Joined Jan 27, 2008
7,406 Blog Posts

The Move is Done?

Funny how many people think the move is done. What are you going to do when $GS and the rest of the gang breakout?

We could pullback 50 S&P points and still have a healthy market. All day long I saw people step in to buy inverse leveraged ETFs in the face of a beautiful breakout, people are still too negative.

I will admit this move is unsustainable, but it is not over, yet.


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  1. chessnwine


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  2. plato

    Earlier today I hated selling the majority of my TZA for a $2 loss and buying some solid long setups. I bet I sleep well tonight, however.

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  3. RaginCajun

    PPT MEMBERS, don’t forget to check out the small bomb screen, it exists for this purpose: http://bit.ly/9oJDQa

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  4. wabisabi

    from the man who top ticked goog @ roughly 627 or so in a fit of bullish exuberance.

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  5. skayfe

    RAX is going to lay down some hurt on those short.

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