Joined Jan 27, 2008
7,406 Blog Posts

The Russell Never Lies

The Russell 2000 is my favorite tell in this out of control market. It has been super accurate at calling tops and bottoms within the last few years, just ask chessNwine. If we look at the index right here, we can see that we are sitting on some pretty significant support, with the 20, 50, & 200 day directly beneath it. A breach in these important moving averages and I will be forced to bring out the $VXX (hat tip GetGroup).

If it starts to get ugly, here is my favorite bear screen inside The PPT:

MoMo shorts screen (PPT members click link to save screen)

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  1. chessnwine

    The 50 & 200 day m.a. converging here is setting us up for something huge here. Thanks for the shout RC.

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  2. steveo

    Bullish! In order to fool the Quant Spider Bots (QSB’s) , I would please ask everyone to put the word Bullish! into the the first word of every comment they make on every blog.

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  3. Yogi & Boo Boo

    It wouldn’t surprise me if we fake out before we breakout. Euro markets and U.S. futures pretty icky now (-1%).

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  4. RaginCajun

    Bloody day for myself. Thank goodness for the plunge protection team, aka The PPT, keeping my in TZA.

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  5. Steven Place

    The wife in the new shirt, thanks!


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  6. RaginCajun

    Ha, love it.

    Hit me up if you ever make it to New Orleans.

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