Joined Jan 27, 2008
7,406 Blog Posts

15 Shirts Left

If you missed my post on how to receive your free limited edition 12631 shirt, read it here, then get to work. I have extended the deadline from tonight to Sunday afternoon. Elections will be held Sunday night @ 9pm.

[youtube:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xrpqMr5ch-c 600 400] If you enjoy the content at iBankCoin, please follow us on Twitter


  1. doughstream

    That ain’t nothing. I dead lifted 500 when I was a 140-lb weakling.

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  2. Woodshedder

    Cajun, how bout 10 full chin ups / pull ups? Would that suffice?

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  3. Jay316

    Where can we see these new shirts?

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  4. The Equalizer

    Thanks for the extra couple of days.

    No way I can do 315, but I’ve just finished a rib eye, compiled VirtualDub, and am about halfway through the bottle of Napa cab that accompanied it. This is a good way to end the week.

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  5. hat

    here’s my video of my attempt. about 50 seconds in

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  6. RC

    Turd chimes in: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ItM73TwNWhA

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  7. effin new guy


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  8. Chris

    Shit is stupid. THat 123532 whatever crap with these wack ass commercials is lame. Smart advertising but I bet its going to be a stupid ass service.

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    • JakeGint

      I know LX has already won, but I have to give my kudos on this Sax one too…. very creepy/scary/mysterious with the photoshopping the crystal pyramid over the old photo of the young man was a great touch, and the music choice fit very well too.

      I am very impressed by these offerings, gentlemen!


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      • RaginCajun

        we are still having elections. No worries.

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        • JakeGint

          No dis to IX’s masterpiece, which is a sharp piece of work, but Sax’s piece, IMHO, really captures the eerie, mysterious ethos that some of the previous in-house promos have exhibited.

          Make sure Fly get’s a look at it, too.


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      • Teahouse On The Tracks
        Teahouse On The Tracks

        Sax should have thrown in a little bit of Fly working on the logarithms …


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        • The Sax

          i wanted to highlight 12361 digits as the camera panned the last segment, then have those highlighted numbers fly into an assembled 12631. but i dont have the first clue how to do that. would have been cool tho.

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  9. Ix

    My 12631 video entry:

    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tKq1rbpS9Cs&fmt=22 (high res)
    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tKq1rbpS9Cs (standard res)

    (The original soundtrack was “If I had a million dollars” by Barenaked Ladies, but YouTube’s copyright filter killed it. )

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    • RC

      AWESOME! What software did you use?

      I need to step my game up.

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      • Ix

        Thanks man.

        Hmm, Photoshop, Autodesk 3ds Max, After Effects, and insomnia (the condition, not software)

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  10. Purdy

    Filed under Interesting-but-not-shocking: Jake is into the most homoerotic of sports.

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    • Woodshedder

      lol…Sorry Jake, couldn’t help it, that was funny.

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    • JakeGint

      I think I might ask Jeremy or maybe Danny to do a comment search to see how many times Purdy has made an unsolicited reference to homosexuality in response to one of my posts.

      I think maybe the Purdster is trying to tell me something.


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  11. RC

    There are still a few more shirts left, get your video in before 7pm ET

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  12. Frog

    Still trying to figure out the site here. In the Peanut Gallery, it looks like posts are labeled as to the time of day but not the date of the post., so I must make a WAG what day the posts were written? That’s different from here. Why so? Thanks.

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  13. drummerboy

    i dont no the motive for picking your winner-s are, but that turd posters’ one seems the best imo so far.

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  14. Kenai

    Hey RC,
    Didn’t you say you wanted to make an IBC ad with Bella? With a face like hers, she can’t lose. 🙂

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