Joined Jan 27, 2008
7,406 Blog Posts

The Russell Rules All

I said it many times before, and I’ll say it again. Watch the Russell 2000! It did exactly what I thought it would do given The PPT hybrid score. A pullback to the 50 & 200 day, then bounce. A failure of the key moving averages and it back to the FAZ mobile, or truckloads of TZA.

Now get to work on your iBC video, only 2 days left to enter. Elections will be held Sunday night.

[youtube:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WvzUZBVXDUc 450 300] If you enjoy the content at iBankCoin, please follow us on Twitter


  1. RaginCajun

    2nd contestant, Moober: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L4l79ozsAA8

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  2. RaginCajun

    I will be out most of the morning. I will catch up with you guys after lunch.

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  3. Juice_McLovin

    Non-video related, Are you still holding BPZ? Saw it was forming a favorite pattern of yours, the bull-flag… is that flag still valid and at what point does a bull flag usually become invalid? If still holding what is your physical/ mental stop?

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  4. RC

    Sold URRE @ .0565

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    • Phenom

      heyy i just got back to cpu…urre now at .50…now i sold for a loss! i shoulda been at the cpu, what did you know that i did not?

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  5. Joe

    Some nice Bullish consolidation on ETFC. BO to 15.50 looks imminent if some volume would just enter this stock …

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