Joined Jan 27, 2008
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12631 Give Away

It is official, the 12631 T-shirts are in, and we are giving them all away. The 1st shirt is going to PandaBear, the current leader in the iBC stock of the year contest. emailĀ  me your shipping address.

The next shirt goes to anyone who can deadlift 315lbs 10x, video proof needed.

Now on to he fun part. Videos are needed for the launch of iBC’s new premium service 12631, make a catchy short promo video and win a free shirt. For that matter, make any video pertaining to iBC and send it in to ibc.cajun at gmail.com for your chance to win.

Elections will be held, and the iBC public will decide the best video.

Here are some free sites to help you with your video career:




Here are some pictures, have fun:

If you enjoy the content at iBankCoin, please follow us on Twitter


  1. Dr Fly


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  2. fitbit

    You’ll be sending me a shirt soon..

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  3. fitbit

    Signed by you and Le Fly

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  4. RaginCajun

    get me vid, and I’ll see what I can do.

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  5. charlie

    Panda! I’ll catch you on the flipside…

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  6. chivo

    i can do 315 10x bent legged…stiff legged can’t do that much

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    • fitbit

      Doing them Stiff Leg without absolutely no bend in the knees would be a horrible idea at that weight. It’s a pure Deadlift. Sumo or otherwise as there’s too many definitions.

      Romanian Deadlift would be the easiest IMHO.

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  7. Panda bear

    Holy crap! Free t-shirt … yay!

    Cajun, email on the way!

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  8. hat

    Zombie helped me with this one… in a way



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  9. Steven Place

    I can knock out a 10×315. Video taped you say? Can do.

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  10. Phenom

    Hey RC
    How much legs does zagg have left? can it near 4?

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  11. Mr. President

    I’m gonna win that stock of the year contest…

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  12. Gunners

    just sold my NFLX puts for a cool 53% gainer. thanks RC. great call

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    • RC

      Good work Gunners. you always make me proud.

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      • Gunners

        thanks. of course i sold to early, DOH! although, i hit my target and i sold. gotta keep discipline

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  13. Dr-B

    Gunners, what was the reason to use puts instead of shorting? magnified gains/loss ?

    so if it would of went against you 3% you would of lost 50% instead of 3? did you calculate volatility ect?

    ONP got murder holed. not a buy here unless you are OTB type or crazy

    UPS is highly correlated with the SPX and it always fills gaps (meaning its a good indication that we pullback some before moving higher).

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    • Gunners

      I wouldn’t have let it get to a 50% loss. I would have taken the loss much sooner. I liked the downside play on weakness in the stock, bought puts yesterday morning when the stock was at $103.75. rode it down for 1.5 days or so and took my profits when the stock was at $98. So that was a 5.5% decline in the stock. i would have bailed with a 1% gain in the stock or so (probably based on some type of technical acheivement on the upside, breaking resistance, moving average, whatever i had seen). Luckily, i didn’t need to do that.

      I don’t short stocks, i only buy puts because i don’t trade on margin. And therefore i only buy puts on stocks that have liquid options. otherwise i stick to inverse ETFs or cash when wanting to play the downside.

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  14. AfterIt100

    you’re a stud! Thanks for the heads up on NFLX… making a killing in the AUG10 $100 Puts

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  15. The Sax

    so i pulled 315 for 2 reps. can i get a torn off sleeve of the shirt or something?

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  16. Phenom

    do we still like URRE?

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  17. Steven Place

    Just did 15×315
    uploading now

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  18. Steven Place

    Shazam. Where’s my tshirt?


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