Joined Jan 27, 2008
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The Canes Are Coming

Keep any eye on Natural gas stocks here. The usual suspects look ripe for a trade, $RAME, $PDO, & $DPTR. But, those are for the degenerate gambling type.

For those interested in not receiving a homohammer, I like $HK, $SGY, $CHK, $GEOI. Technically, CHK has the best setup, if it can trade above$21.85

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  1. sg

    CHK is VCU fav as well. I will buy some in anticipation. Stop 20.50

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  2. duck


    any thoughts on impact with UNG?

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  3. RaginCajun

    Don’t forget about the refiners, $VLO & $TSO

    $NOV is also good here.

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    • Elan

      Finally! now lets see if it could even get back to where i bought it at 1.75…but great news

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    • checklist

      Somewhere, doug kass must be smiling, again

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  4. Kenai

    I kinda like AGU here, if it can break its 200 on volume. Nice coil.

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  5. Boulevard

    $20 seems a helluva lot farther away than $2 ever did.

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    • elan

      agreed..i am NOT a fan of the stock split..as the stock price indicates!…etrade was 1.40 when the company was loosing 2$ a share..now its profitable, and still at 1.40!

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  6. checklist

    Still long about 40k cep, for over a year, and down on that fkr. Once was up 50% or so… now down. Holding because I am an dum bass I guess. My worst pick from early 09. Chk was my 2nd worst pick from then. Lost $$ on ung once also.

    Natty gas owns me

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  7. GETGroup

    I said it before, and I’ll say it again…this deep into the energy cycle it won’t be the stocks that lead…it will be the commodity itself…This rising Nat Gas “tide” will not lift all “boats” this deep into the cycle.

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