Joined Jan 27, 2008
7,406 Blog Posts

The Tone Is Bullish

With earnings right around the corner I expect the market to trade flat within the next few days. The tone of the market has changed from the end of the world, to “maybe we could rally here.” I, for one, would rather be long than short here and will continue to pick my spot in stocks.

Today, I’ve accumulated a nice postion in $STEC and am looking for a move above $14. I’ve been in and out of $MRGE for some quick coin, and also bought a starter position in $JMBA.

My solar plays worked out well since Obama gave the industry another 2 Bil. I sold $TSL, sold my options in $WFR, & still hold $STP. $LDK looks good here and received a big contract today, another one to watch.

Top pick remains $STEC

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  1. thekingchunny

    Nice call on the STEC. I biught a nice little position at 13.7. How much farther north of 14 do you expect this to go? Keep up the fantastic work RC, you are making me mucho coin.

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    • RaginCajun

      Big volume bar just now in STEC, this one can run to the 200 day. I took half off at 14 BTW (noted in ppt)

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  2. Kenai

    Holy Smokes! Your pup is growing fast!! She’s getting big! She’s adorable…

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