Joined Jan 27, 2008
7,406 Blog Posts

Guilty Until Proven Innocent

How can you buy a chart like this? Everything about this chart scream BEAR. As of midnight CT, the futures are down another 7 points and oil is still gushing into the Gulf like there is a never ending supply in the Earth’s core. I got to admit, with every passing day there seems to be a little more panic in the air.

And, what am I doing? Buying dogs and shit. What is worng with me? I need to be developing a contingency plan on how to get the hell out of Louisiana.

Ok, back to stock again. They are going lower.

Ok, that was short. However, the funnel is long and wide, so be sure to get in. As for me I am funnel proof and have many mini $GS bots on my side via The PPT.

While we’re on the subjuct of robots, The Fly and Jeremy are not human, just so you know.

As you are well aware, this post makes no sense, but nether does the market, so what’s different?

I could post a bunch of charts of setups I like, but why bother? On a big gap lower, buy stocks, or you favorite 3x crackmoblie ETF. If we continue to drift higher, just jump in the FAZmoblile, mater of fact, when in doubt, just go buy FAZ. Everytime you are tempted to buy stocks, just motion yourself to buy more FAZ.

You can’t lose.

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  1. chessnwine

    Great post RC.

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  2. RaginCajun

    yup. pretty much sums up the market and life. Nothing makes sense and robots always win.

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  3. HawaiiFive0

    No kidding!

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  4. okie dokie

    I agree with you, but stockcharts still disagrees.
    VIX target is 8…. 8!
    SSO target is 47 (oddly enough I just realized SPY target is lower)

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  5. mhass33

    you still got those RL puts? I sold too fuckin early…

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  6. RC

    same here, but still a nice profit.

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  7. hat

    Shorts: CPA, GRMN, PCX I like PCX best
    Grabbed some OTM puts yesterday and some this morning (mourning)
    This could be the onset of part 2 of the meltdown. The one we’ve all been waiting for. Don’t want to call it prematurely but the chart set up sure looks like it. Technically there’s a room for a bounce and it won’t ruin the H+S pattern, but as long as we know the set up is downward what difference does a short term bounce make really?

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  8. pharkle

    $RUT and $TRAN now below 200-day

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  9. Yogi & Boo Boo

    Looks like we’re at the SPY neckline. My guess is it does not hold today. Patience, hedges, and PPT.

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