Joined Jan 27, 2008
7,406 Blog Posts

Nothing Doing

It’s 3:15 and I have yet to put in any buy orders. I flipped my [[SPY]] calls at the open for nearly 100% gain, and since then have been sitting on my hands . 1,150 seems to be the level everyone is watching, so you might as well keep an eye on that level. (Bull & Bear line in the sand)

As far as chart setups, we will need a few days/weeks for patterns to develop. I will be leaving for a short get away, on Wednesday, to play in the oil slick in Florida, hopefully I can get there before the oil does.

I wish I had more for you, but times like this it is best to sit and wait for the setup to come to you, or else churn your account.

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  1. GETGroup

    enjoy your vacay

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    • RaginCajun

      Thanks Get, looking forward to it.

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    • BernieCornfeld

      What he said. Will make lots of coffee with my spanky new IBC mugs and await some sort of stabilization.

      PS, you checked out the AD screener from the weekend?

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  2. Yogi & Boo Boo
    Yogi & Boo Boo

    Nice Job on the calls. Enjoy the vacation.

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  3. kohai

    Safe travels RC, have a great vacation.

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    • #6

      is braveflaps shorting GS? prescient, if so.

      (otherwise, something ain’t right with the math.)

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  4. tradermarket247

    If I am not mistaken… oil reaches shore on Wednesday..LOL have fun brotha!

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