Joined Jan 27, 2008
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Wall Street 2 Trailer: Money Never Sleeps

I did little trading this week thanks to The PPT Hybrid score. I got to tell you guys, this score must have saved me hundreds of dollars from dip buying. Normally, on a decline such as the one we have, I can’t wait to buy into a few names at cheaper prices, however this time, I have a guide that tells me where to step in– the low 2.20s.

We may need a blood bath to get us there, as we still are around the 2.40 level. Going into the weekend, I want you to remember two things: The PPT always wins, and Money Never Sleeps:

[youtube:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oV5hEBqYfTE 450 300] If you enjoy the content at iBankCoin, please follow us on Twitter


  1. Count De Monet

    Hey Ragin’

    Been sitting on the fence about subscribing and was wondering where the “PPT Recent Winners” that are shown on the right originate from. Are these system generated, or recommendations from traders. Any information on how to best use the PPT would be helpful.


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  2. RaginCajun

    The rankings are system generated.

    In the near future I will be doing videos on how to use The PPT. The community board is one big family, we are there to help, I highly recommend signing up and giving it a try.

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  3. ZMoose


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