Joined Jan 27, 2008
7,406 Blog Posts

Let’s Talk About Something Important

For those that are not familiar with the other side of iBankCoin, it is The PPT. In this mysterious place we call The PPT, it is a place where gentlemen gather to print money on a daily basis. The community of traders we have in there is unparalleled to anything I’ve seen in the financial world.

Not only do you get real time trades from professional traders, but you also have access to proprietary screens, research reports, top sectors, ranked stocks, financial data, and just about anything a trader would need for their arsenal.

Just think of The PPT as the iPhone, it does everything! Everything is designed in perfect symmetry, filled with tons of apps (tools) to assist you in your trading. The amount of effort and time put into this project by Fly, Jeremy, & company shows. Everything is detailed oriented, and they do not stop updating the site to make things perfect. The PPT 2.0 will be rolling out soon and I am very excited about the future platform.

I spend the majority of my time inside The PPT, and if you are a member, then you understand why. Here are a few recent comments left in the user notes section.



Seriously, the small fee you pay for the service is worth every penny. And, for you guys who have been around the site for years, this is your time to give back, join the community and help us grow.

The time has come, it is time to become a gentleman.

If you enjoy the content at iBankCoin, please follow us on Twitter



    The PPT is great. Worth every penny.

    The PPT is my browser homepage. It’s the first thing I log into in the morning, after my brokerage accounts of course.

    Hell, get the monthly subscription and try it out. I paid for my annual subscription in mere hours.


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  2. Mushroomz

    I remember buying a gentleman’s subscription in my hotel room in Lake Tahoe the fateful night the PPT came available Feb 22 last year, or was it Feb 23. PPT Birthday soon!

    Anyway I remember paying for the subscription within a couple days trading from knowledge I gained from the PPT in it’s earliest days, and tons of new features have been added since then. The number one thing I gain from the PPT is conviction.

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    • ZMoose

      PPT B-Day means PPT B-Day Party… Yes?

      PPT kicks ass… I’ve had the opportunity to get into a couple of trades via the PPT that have been serious winners. The guys in there are serious traders that kick ass on an intraday basis, and as RC said, the fee is way worth it. Suggest it for newbies trying to learn how to read winning tickers fo sho!

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  3. dpeezy

    Oy, I’ve made many a bad decision, too, up there at Harrah’s/Harvey’s.

    (I kid, I kid.)

    (About the PPT.)

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  4. goon

    nice hit on EEE

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  5. Scarface

    The PPT should be called ATM. this fucker is a bank machine/printing press

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  6. BuffaloUdders

    I did a one month subscription and felt that I was in over my head. Now that I have had several more months of successful trading that has resulted from my own thoughts I miss the scoring of companies, and the screener. I will sign up again in the future for an annual membership once I feel that it would be more economically viable. Since my portfolio is small right now and my trades are very limited, seeing as how I have only 10 positions total, it is not cost effective for me.
    What you mention about the group of traders being unparalleled is true – I could not believe the wealth of knowledge from both the individuals as well as the system itself. I learned a ton that really helped with building my foundation.

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    • RaginCajun

      Buffalo, I completely understand, and you will always remain a gentleman in my book. Anything I can do to help out as you begin your successful trading career, just let me know.

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  7. drdart

    RC, I pay as much attention as I can during the day and for the past couple of months have made the site and “The Fly” required reading when I have free time…. I also check out yours and Jake’s Blogs. I gotta say just the entertainment value is enough to come back every day and I have referred may firends to the site.

    Like Buffalo I am not holding kickass amounts and am hesitant to join but I have to say the latest picks from the site have been spot on from everyone even without PPT. I don’t know if it is just a rising tide, but I do recall when things were bad that “The Fly” was right more often then wrong on the short side as well. I remember him shorting the hell out of banks and real estate while I cowered in fear.

    What extra will the PPT bring me and do I need to be glued to my monitor to use it. How much time do you nee? For a small part timer does it make any sense? So for the cost of less than 2 K-cups a day I can be a true gentlemen….my wife will look at me longingly and my kids will want to be like me?

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  8. drdart

    RC, I pay as much attention as I can during the day and for the past couple of months have made the site and “The Fly” required reading when I have free time…. I also check out yours and Jake’s Blogs. I gotta say just the entertainment value is enough to come back every day and I have referred many friends to the site.

    Like Buffalo, I am not holding kickass amounts and am hesitant to join but I have to say the latest picks from the site have been spot on from everyone ….. even without PPT. I don’t know if it is just a rising tide, but I do recall when things were bad that “The Fly” was right more often then wrong on the short side as well. I remember him shorting the hell out of banks and real estate while I cowered in fear and built a bomb shelter.

    What extra will the PPT bring me and do I need to be glued to my monitor to use it. How much time do you need? For a small part timer (piker)does it make any sense? So for the cost of less than 2 K-cups a day I can be a true gentlemen….my wife will look at me longingly and my kids will want to be like me?

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