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Make It Happen

Earlier this summer, I tried getting weather forecasts but to no avail. It’s been a tough year for the meteorologists, I am told, because of some El Nino/La Nina uncertainty that was holding off high probability estimates. Not that it’s ever easy for meteorologists.

But, it appears the Almanac finally settled on a guess, and that guess is “cold”. So we will see what happens.

Natural gas prices have well near recovered from the spill they took over the last two years. Futures almost tipped back above $4 for forward months a while ago. A good cold spell and a hard inventory drawdown could do wonders for the price. If you’re interested, I’d look for a focused supply operation contained predominantly in the coldest expected regions, as they will reap the windfall profits if heating demand soars. An old favorite is PNY, but the weather should guide the buy.

Meanwhile, today I continue experiencing my private little bull market. HCLP continues unabated towards its destiny of higher valuations.

Tesla received a bit of a jolt recently; a German magazine casted doubt upon the heretofore unquestionable ascent of Musk as a major global auto manufacturer. This is the kind of doubt that will sow the seeds of triumphant gains. My put options are cheap and have almost no tradeoffs. I just need blood in the water.

I added to NRP today for $20.26, because I’m not that worried about the EPA, especially as it pertains to an operation that gets much of its royalties from metallurgical coal.

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Holding Steady

I have a smaller cash position than the 50% I was holding this summer. My current cash level stand around 20%, with purchases of HCLP, NRP, DRI, RMCF, SCO and a handful of dips in my current assets eating up the 30% cash position.

I sold EUO weeks ago.

I’m not sure if I chose exactly the moment to lever up into the firestorm but I’d say we’re about to find out.

What I do believe, though, is that feminism has seized Ben Bernanke’s chair, and Janet Yellen can smoke blunts with the best of them.

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Bought Half Position – NRP

An old play, NRP, is back in my books today for $19.71. I added this at 5% of assets, keeping it small.

The play is on coal prices. Natural gas prices have increased and are no longer rock bottom. And, life in America has not changed that much. Obama and his EPA army of extremists notwithstanding, coal consumption is set to increase in America this year. And attempts to mess with that will cost everyone dearly.

I’m not going with a full position because I understand how much this administration hates coal. But, I don’t really think there’s anything they can do about it.

NRP is an LMLP and pays out a very large dividend while I wait. They’ve had problems, naturally, from competition with natural gas. However, they’ve been moving steadily to diversify their royalty revenues, and I think coal will surprise to the upside, as it becomes clear the industry is still essential to American interests.

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