Motivational Fire Walking – You’re Not Doing it Right


I read  Fly’s post on Tony Robbins fire walking fiasco and got a chuckle.

First, let’s all agree – Tony Robbins is a fucktard. If you need to spend $300 to get motivated in your life, leave me a response with your e-mail address and /or phone and I’ll be glad to yell at you for an hour for half that much.

I’ve been in sales for over 20 years and was forced to sit through multiple “seminars” by my previous employer. Most of them repeated the same “if you believe it you can achieve it” drivel. Few really focused on what it takes to be truly successful – expert listening skills and analytical thinking.

But I digress. One of the seminars involved walking on fire (embers). There were around 80 people in our group and no one was burned during our event. I found the experience banal (as you can see from the expression on my face) but others in our group really seemed to get something out of it – so good for them.

Successful firewalking really invloves just two aspects. One the is the set up – using the right wood (cedar for example), shallow depth of the the firebed and length of the walk (8-12 ft.). The second involves the user walking briskly over the coals without hesitation.  There is some risk involved for people with thin skin (seriously) – but all in all it’s not a big deal.

This San Jose fiasco sounds like poor set up more than anything. Even though you must sign a waiver to do it, I’m sure we’ll see some happy lawyers ready to torch Tony in the coming weeks



2 Responses to “Motivational Fire Walking – You’re Not Doing it Right”

  1. … not to nitpick but, you DO realize that you have 2 misspelled words in your “blog profile thingie” don’t you ?

    Just sayin …

    Enjoy your posts !


  2. There have been studies done on firewalking. You are correct. No reason for anyone to get burned if it is set up correctly.

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