Today’s Investment Idea – Tin Foil Hats


In the wake of the tragic shootings yesterday in Colorado, the Government Conspiracy Theory blogosphere is already out in full force.

I’ve already read that he was brainwashed during his studies in neuroscience research at Colorado – armed and equipped by CIA and or FBI black ops and the attack staged just in time for a vote on the UN small arms treaty.

uh huh…… Please excuse me now so you can go take your lithium.

Every time an tragedy like this occurs the lunatic fringe emerges in full force. It’s usuually subscribing to a nefarious plot that first involves disarming Americans. It then transcends to the formation of a one world government which heards us all into concentration camps for re-education ( or the Zyklon B showers)

Sorry Folks. Just like Gabby Gifford, Virginia Tech, Columbine and Oklahoma City before it, this was the act of a criminally deranged individual(s)

To put the levels of conspiracy theorists it into context:

Google “congresswoman gifford shooting government conspiracy”   you’ll get 59 million hits

Google “virginia tech shooting government conspiracy”  1.6 million hits

Google “columbine shooting government conspiracy” returns 847,000 hits

My wife just walked in and asked some of the same questions I’ve read in today’s articles.

Here’s the answers:

“How can a college kid afford to buy guns ammo and the rest of that?” – Credit Cards – they’re very easy to get for college kids

“Where would he get full body armor and gas maks?” – Any Gun show or anywhere on the web

“Where could he learn how to booby trap his apartment like that?”   On the web – Just Google it

Unfortunetly a % of America’s gun owners have an irrational fear of those boogyman in Blue UN Helmets parachuting in to take our guns away. This phenomena really took off about 4 years ago this November. Not so coincidentally around the time Obama (alleged Muslim Socialist) was elected.

If you’re still not convinced of the paranoia – go take a look at the charts of Smith & Wesson (SWHC), Sturm Ruger (RGR)  and Olin Arms (OLN) to a lesser extent. These stocks are not up because Hunting has suddenly replaced Xbox as our national pastime. (Not to get off my rant here, but any of these stocks could be a quick buy on Monday)

And before any hate replies come in – I’m a proud gun owner, sports shooter & hunter for over 30 years.

I just don’t see any black helicopters

5 Responses to “Today’s Investment Idea – Tin Foil Hats”

  1. schadenfreude


    many participants showed “a willingness to consider and even endorse mutually contradictory accounts as long as they stand in opposition to the officially sanctioned narrative.”

    “A new scientific truth does not triumph by convincing its opponents and making them see the light, but rather because its opponents eventually die, and a new generation grows up that is familiar with it.”

  2. Only the old do not see the fucked reality of the youngins today. It takes no tin foil hat. But it is what it is. Change comes slow then it explodes off and on.

  3. you haven’t been informed who was funding his grant? The Department of Defense.

    For more indepth info too. Look of Tesla!

  4. There is a bizarre national obsession with the “black guns” – M16 knockoffs and the like. I think these weapons will eventually get confiscated.

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