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Tag Archives: ANV

Get Your Drowned Goats Here



It’s raining cats and dogs here, and the drowned goats are accumulating on the banks of the river.

Time to start accumulating said goats for want of a strong spiced jerky that will carry you through the latter days when the Bernank’s stricken peso won’t even be exchangeable for a handful of magic beans.   Do you have your targets set?   I have mine.

Go ahead, put an order in for SLW at $38.00, and maybe some AGQ at $295 and some EXK at $10.30.   Who knows? You could get lucky.  Or you could get sad.   You can miss by a nickel on either side of the stanchion.   But what fun would life be with no chance, no uncertainty?

Whatever the case, I will be waiting and watching during this pullback.  Like an otter stalking an adder, I’ll be waiting for some opportune moments to rebuild my EXK/SLW/AGQ positions.   I also think that RGLD will come exactly back to the $55-56 breakout level from which it recently launched.  The ANVil may even return to the lower 30’s for those who missed it last time.

What opportunity awaits those Quakers who have missed so much over the last glorious month.  Even if you were never a fan, there will be opportunity for you to laugh with the bull very soon.

Very soon.


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Relax, We’re Through It…

[youtube:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lyl5DlrsU90 450 300]________________________________

I don’t know what to say.   Silver is even higher over it’s 200-day EMA  (53%!) today and yet AGQ continues to sally forth, like the great Black Knight knocking aside rivals like tin pots, only hours before losing all his arms and legs to a timorous King Arthur.

The winds blow here and the lights flicker, and yet the rancorous dollar is not held aloft.  It’s a rag, a pliant kerchief, a spoiled cabbage.  What do make of it but furthur substitution in proper specie?

Listen, I havn’t a lot of time.  My lights have flickered once, and the next blow will likely break my server from the Interwebs.   Therefore I give you my “best idea of the night,” in the form of one of my favourite (sic) Jacksonians, mighty ANV.  Like RGLD the other night, this looks ready to be purchased here and now.  Now is the time for gold to begin to catch it’s mercurial brother, methinks.

Due to last night’s technical difficulties resulting from tornadic activity, I will not chance furthering this message, but be on the lookout for a number of gold names breaking out like BAA did yesterday.   My best to you.


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My What an Enjoyable Ride…

Saw Coaster

… No?


What’s the matter? You don’t like gut-scissoring roller-coaster rides with your daily portfolio analysis?

C’mon, Mr. Pushups, suck it up.   Take one for the team, bear down.  Raise greasy lettuce for samitches.

Did you sell anything today?   I did, but not a whole lot.   My biggest move today was gettting rid of about half of my AGQ earlier today at prices north of $261.   It’s a deleveraging play, much like getting rid of my call options the other day.  I also sold 40% of my PAAS at prices well north of $41.60

 I didn’t sell any more EXK (I’d already dropped 10k shares last week), even though it did the “Egregious St. Vitas Dance” today.   It’s interesting to note my warning post of last week here.  Recall this?

Remember that green line I drew up there when I was cautioning you to let a little go last week?  Well, here’s that same chart today…

Uncanny, no?  

Will it hold?  I’m not sure, and we must remember these momentum burners tend to have the harshest pullbacks.   That said, I still like EXK on a further pullback, as well as SLW if you are lucky.   On the young gold side, AAU, NGD and yes, EGO are already starting to look tasty.   ANV is not far behind, and keep in mind also “dark horse” and relatively recently introduced XG.   If it continues to move  like this I will do a feature on it soon.  

Keep in mind these things can get oversold in two days… it’s just that volatile.   So be ready with your trenchers full of soapy cabbage for opportunities that will be knocking sooner than you might believe.

Best to you all.


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Gold and Silver Shiii-hi-hi-hine!

[youtube:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iCQ0vDAbF7s 450 300]

Rock your socks off like a blazing set of gold & silver monkeys!





Folks, that’s just the “A’s.”

Heck, that’s just some of the A’s!

LOL.  Hang on, and keep your hands inside the compartment at all times.  These are historic times, and I’m glad you’re along for the ride.

Watch as long suffering junior golds like RBY, EGO, IAG and yes, even NGD, roar forward here.

Back on the road again tomorrow, but I’ll try to check in tomorrow evening.


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Definition: A True Southern Gentleman

Tom Wolfe 


What happened in the markets today?  Are you kidding me?  What do you think? Let’s not quibble about what is what.

We know what.

But today I have something different.   A piece from a brilliant work of historical fiction I’ve been reading whilst on vacation.  The book is called Glory in the Name by James Nelson.  It’s about the Confederate Navy in the Civil War and I recommend it highly.  Anyway, the one part I’d like to recreate here (with the indulgence of the author) is a description of the “model Southern Gentleman” circa 1861, just as the shells were lobbed at Fort Sumter.  

The words are from a patrician gentleman from Charleston, SC, who was educated at the U.S. Naval Academy, but who saw his duty with the Southern Cause in the final decision to attack Fort Sumter, in his city’s harbor.  In his own words, a Southern Gentleman speaks of his hometown:

It was where Samuel had learned to be a gentleman, and more to the point, a Southern gentleman.  Courteous to the last.  Studied, urbane.   Personally disciplined — a gentleman, he was taught, did not show womanly weakness of any sort.  Passionately loyal to his country and his state.  Unwilling to suffer even the hint of insult.  Tolerant of the lower classes, appreciative, even, of their labor, but always aware of their place, and his.  Kind to slaves.  These were the things that that made the Southern man, and the instruction was so thorough that those traits became a part of Samuel Bowater as much as his height and the color of his eyes.

Is that not the Monsieur?  How long as the South been awaiting his steady presence, I ask you?  Be thankful, small plebs, that he is kind to slaves.


Mein gott, I cannot say enough about how well we’ve done today.  Let’s speak no more about it, as it may be seen as “bragging.”

Best to you all, Jacksonian stalwarts.



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Rough Day in Corn-Base Dollar Trading

bad pig

The first day of corn-back dollar trading started out promising, but ultimately ended up in a failed “pop” over the 20-day EMA ceiling. Late news out of Central Illinois informs us that the Fed’s newest Moline Corn Repository, while heavily fortified against human intervention — a la “Fort Knox” in the days of gold-backed currency — was most unfortunately sited next to a large hog farming operation. What happened next was true Bernankian justice…

Apparently the sus domesticus hordes resident next to the Corn Repository were overhwhelmed by the late afternoon corn-fruit scent coming from said Federal vaults, and that lure, excacerbated by an early Spring hormonal rutting urge, had the neighboring porcine hordes rending the outlying electric fencing and within moments, consuming the precious American staple (and currency backing) with piggish glee.

By late afternoon trading, one third of the Federal Reserve Currency-backing outstanding was in the belly of some of the nation’s most desireable pigs. The following daily chart illustrates the day’s action — especially the failure of the corn-dollar to break back above resistance– with heat-seeking stoat-like acuity:

That’s two days now that the corn-dollar has closed below $76.00.  Not good news for you dollar bulls (cough! cough! Cain Thaler! cough!).

However, there is a glimmer of optimism available as well.  Late tonight an emissary for the Fed mentioned that since most of the most recent reserve backing is now in the gut of some prized Illinois sows, Chairman Bernanke would announce soon the official newer and stronger “pork belly bacon fat-backed dollar,” later this Fall.

As a sop to certain liberal constituencies, the Chairman has also acceded to locate the new Federal Repository on 125th Street in New York City, next to Sylvia’s.   No further devaluation is anticipated.


Carry on… most likely with ANV, which has been a star in my portfolio this week, as all Jacksonians should be.

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