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Non-Jacksonian Picks

No Doubt in My Mind…

[youtube:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XfuBREMXxts&feature=related 450 300]

Boomer’s First Signed Act! (Check out the Instrumentalism!)


As you well know, I am a believer– in many senses of the word (and the Word, and the weurd ).   But like Mickey Dolenz aimlessly tapping against the rim of a snare drum in an attempt to appear Ringo-weurthy, I am stuck here twiddling my Thaler collection, waiting for the second shoe to drop.

You remember my “I want to Believe” chart from four days back?  Well, it’s still stubbornly refusing to resolve itself, neither breaking down nor breaking out.   It’s enough to make one test the family flame-thrower out on the neighbor’s bird-stalking cat…

My patience is wearing to a thin thread, but I know I won’t have to wait much longer.  The dollar looks to be in its last throes, and will either spit the bit tonight, or take off in one last spasm of orgasmic excess followed by a quick-wilt into mid-February.   Your cue will be the $77.80 line on the DX-Y.  I believe that is our point of no return. 

Should the dollar fail there, I will be loading kegs of AGQ-brand sweet mead onto the back of my ale truck, along with SIL, SLW, and of course, EXK.    I will also have gold brands for you to swill, likely headed by IAG, ANV and EGO.   I never sold much RGLD, but I will likely be adding to that role as well.

For those of you who want something right now ,and cannot otherwise hold your water, I think the Borg cannot resist assimilating this latent bull, and so BWA should be bought here with alacrity.   The same goes for the providers of mining machinery to the mines above, JOYG and TEX.

JOYG to you all.


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Not So Fast

Wile E. Coyote 


Unsurprisingly, gold and silver are not done bottoming, as per today’s evidence, and to my favourite Kansas Cityan’s temporary chagrin.  And like the dollar reflects the value of gold and silver as it crashes, so gold and silver serve as lodestone for the direction of the dollar. 

See, gold taking a bloody digger like it did today is not consistent with a plunging dollar.  Quite the opposite.  And remember that daily silver chart from just a few days ago?  Here it was:

Those were the predicted directions.   Now, let’s look at the same chart as of close today:

Wacky, no?  We reversed almost completely the pop we had the day before, and gold did worse, achieving recent near term lows for 2011.

It might get even worse, so hang on, and deploy capital sparingly.  I have added to my ZSL  about two hours before the end of yesterday’s session.  I felt a pained fool at the time…but I got better.”

Here’s what I’m really getting at.  Take a look at this very large Fibonnaci Retrace on this almost three year dollar chart :

Now I realize the above chart is a bit busy, almost akin to the Punch Buggy Post we had the other night.  However, you need only take into account a couple of things.  First, we are hovering almost exactly at the Golden Ratio — the 61.8% retrace of the  large dollar move from the depths of the last Bernanke dollar destruction in March of ’08, to the peak in early March of ’09, when the market bottomed.   This is a significant resistance point for the dollar, in my opinion.

Second, we are also very close to the rising trend line in the dollar.   I believe the dollar is far too oversold to break the longer term trend at this time, unless of course Bernanke just starts shooting Benjamins out of cannons on K-Street tomorrow afternoon. 

So, if by chance that very strong Fibonacci line does not hold tomorrow, then I believe the uptrend line will in the next few days.

Whichever the case, we should get a snap back in the dollar, no matter how brief.  I think we see at least a 5-7% correction out of  that dollar, which will likely include our miners.  I may lay some more DXD, QID, and SDS at that point.

I also think our miners will rebound first, so be ready to start collecting.   Best to you all.


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The Wearing Down of the Green

 Joe Stache
You See Kid, It’s All About the Proper ‘Stache

Well, the J-E-T-S, Jets, Jets, Jets lost… and many a friend, relative and associate is in mourning tonight.  I can almost feel their pain.  It’s tough to get so close to the Superbowl and then lose in a disjointed effort like that.  But the Jets should take heart, as they’ve a team to build on.   As well, the Steelers have indubitably the best defense in the league, and perhaps the best coach.  

 And let’s face it,  for the Jets to win a third playoff game on the road would be considered by some to be a near miracle.

I say “near,” because of course my own beloved Giants have performed that 3-Road Game Playoff Win feat, and topped even that by beating “the Unbeatable” New England Patriots.  You remember the Giselle Bundchen-related Patriots?  The team who had gone unbeaten in every game in the 2007 season…

Except the one that counted, I mean.  Heh.

No matter, the industrious Steelers pulled off the same carny trick the year after, albeit against a far inferior opponent.  Nevertheless, Mike Tomlin is great, Ben Roethlisberger is a loathesome pig, “Go Packers!”  and let’s move on…


You want to know what I think the dollar is doing here?  I think it’s getting ready to rumble.  It’s been drip-sell, drip-sell, drip-sell for weeks now, and yet gold and silver have been pedaling in air, rather than soaring.   That means gold and silver, in their heavy, shiny brains know something.   This is what I think they know:

We might get a scrape below $78.00, but I think that’ll be the dog and the frog.  You’ll know the dollar is done diving because the market will crack like a ten week old egg left over from a third grade science project.  It’ll be smelly.  Are you prepared?

Everyone is asking me when I’m going to buy you-name-it– SLW, EXK, GDX, ANV, EGO etc., etc. 

Listen to me when I tell you that when its time to buy these things again, you will NOT want to do so.  Hear me?  Stop being so damn anxious and go have a clove cigarette and a warm paraffin foot bath or something.

In the meantime, here’s where I see EXK, you greedy little pigs, you:

Now remember that’s a weekly chart up there, so things will move slower than we’re used to seeing on the daily, and that distance to the buy is a site farther than it looks.  It might be three or four weeks from now.  So chill.

And here’s a bonus for you dynamite-strapped rocketeers out there.   If you try this, play it small because it’s wilder than boar hog afflicted with a case of cannibal crabs.  You see how much it was up on Friday?  Well don’t believe it.  This suckers going down just like it did last time.  Here’s my take:

That’s all for now.  Play tight and play defense this week.

Good luck to the Green Bay Packers, a real “good guy” team.  I might even root for Pittsburgh, but then, I have a daughter, soooo … no.


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Get in the Chowder Bowl

Evil Clam
Trust Ye Not the Evile Clamme!


Well, wasn’t that a refreshing sell off we had today?  Will we bounce from here?   Likely, at some point.  But I wouldn’t get overly excited about it.   In fact, I’d take any rebound in the next couple of days as a welcome loosening of the steer-making device from around your sensitive bits, and lighten, lighten, lighten.   

You want to be as light as a Capezio-wearing chorus line extra dangling from a dirigible.   Because ladies and gentlemen, the Clamme  is not your friend!   The Clamme is the friend of men standing in bomb shelters poring over ruined real estate portfolios, but he is no friend of the genial Speculator

As good as it feels to revel in the seemingly endless supply of bubblicious liquidity flowing from the Helicopter du Clamme, you must believe that the other side of that euphoria is the long weightless drop down the elevator shaft, to which there is only one end for your portfolio.


I love the Russell 2000 as a market indicator.   Are you going to pay attention to the Dow 30, instead?

A 10-12% sell-off will bring us back to the $72-73.00 area, where I see pretty solid support.   The 200-day EMA should rise to the $70 level here in the next couple of days, and that will offer additional support.   I don’t expect a bloodbath, yet, but why watch your portfolio shrink, or worse, get thrown in the chowder bowl when we will have larders full of opportunity in the coming weeks and months?

Patience.   It’s a most difficult virtue, but one that will pay literal dividends in the weeks ahead.

I added to all my market hedges today — SDD, SDS, and QID, to salutory effect.   I also off-loaded a small amount of MVG that I had not hedged, and sold off another quarter of my FTK holdings.  Tomorrow, I shall likely purchase some TWM and perhaps even some TZA, which I have held off on purchasing due to it’s razor-sharp canabalistic capabilities.

Best to you all, Clamme Diggers.


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Welcome to the Thresher

The Thresher!

That’s right, folks, I’m just going to keep steepening the metaphorical curve until this market breaks, no matter how ridiculous I eventually become.

Don’t worry, “SuperNova” is still some weeks away, and for now we will talk about silly bulls idling about in a bucolic wheat field only to be set upon by a near-silent International Harvester Combine with razor sharp blades that will quickly render them into so many two and a half inch ribeye’s ready for dry-aging.

Again, despite myself, my portfolio edged up again today, a half percent, sparks flying and hedges hedging.  And weirder still, my half and one-third positions (thus far) in QID, SDD and SDS were all off rather minimally today.  In fact, SDD was even up a tad.   None of this action is making me think my thesis is wanting, though I may be stuck waiting while we grind to the end of this current cycle.

The only hedge that drew significant blood today was the one that had no counterpart (unless you count my small core position in SLV), which was my one half position in ZSL, the silver commodity ultra-short ETF.    Everything else was offset, including my SLW sold calls, which were outpaced by the underlying stock’s gains. 

Many of you chided me today about silver having a good day, but in your heart of hearts, you saw how the price struggled, and how my two favourites, SLW and EXK struggled to retain gains.   This is not the action of a bull ready to take off, but rather one that is seeking a siesta.

Make sure you have cash on hand, and please, stay out of the cornfields, Children…


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Monday Advice… Get the Hugs Ready

Bear Hug

Every chart I look at is registering overbought like a mother. Doesn’t mean that we can’t eke out some more gains here. I just wouldn’t bank on a big run, that’s all.

I may get some TZA this week, or QID, or perhaps even some SPY puts for the first time in an age.  You know how bullish I’ve been these past months since early September, so you know this is a serious admonition…

Get hedged, pledge.

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