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Market Discussion

I Should Stay on Vacation

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Gettin’ Back To Lawn Guyland Form, Ovah Heah


This is going to be quick because I’m not sure how long this modem is going to hold out.

My apologies, but in my past forays to “Summer Noo Yawk” I’ve never had any trouble getting on line via the wireless.  This time around, however, we are having “modem troubles” (the wireless network is fine, it’s the ‘net access which keeps blinking off).  Yesterday, I was able to make one brief comment about Le Monsieur’s cawfee troubles and then I was unable to get back on the rest of the day.

I am going to cross my fingers and hope that this transmission gets through.

With regard to today’s title, my point is, I often seem to do better in my portfolio when I am away from my home.  I can’t explain it, and perhaps it’s all just coincidental, but it seems like whenever I’m out and about, I have special market guardian angels stamping down the price of the dollar, or boosting the price of the precious metal markets for one reason or another.  I continue to believe that this Kabuki Theater debt ceiling deal means nothing at the moment, because the world’s bond traders see it for the political sham it is.

They also see Ben Bernanke running the printing presses like mad, which is why the dollar keeps dropping like Emma Stone.  I have little doubt that we’ll see a drop to the old “Sub $73 lows” on the dollar index and quite possible will see new lows before the false debt ceiling dance is concluded. I hope you held onto your DGP and your other mining assets, particularly RGLD, SLW and ANV.

For those who are confused about this political dance — I remind you, the debt ceiling itself does not matter, it’s the resolution of the debt debate that matters.  Bond traders may not care about an artificial ceiling argument, but they do care about the U.S. attending to an out of control debt situation.   The 30-year bubble in Treasuries could come to an eventful end here if the world decides our sovereign credit is no longer creditable.   You might want to look into TBT as an alternate in that case.

Best to you.


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Cash is Golden

[youtube:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jQcNiD0Z3MU&feature=related 450 300]

What More Apt Nirvana for an old Depeche Mode fan than to Find this Gem?


So we did the Twilight Puffin Cruise tonight, and we got that behind us.  The good news is, it appears I no longer get seasick.  I know this because in order to get out to said “Puffin Island” — which is not only replete with aforesaid funny looking black and white and orange birds, but also terns, laughing gulls, seals and all other manner of remote oceanic fauna AND U.S. Oceanographic Institute equipment– we had to brave 12 foot swells that would have set Captain Nemo himself hurling over the gunwhales.

But I didn’t puke, much to my wife’s amazement, and later, suspicion.  You see, I’d always refused to participate on such things as sea cruises due to my notoriously bad stomach which was particularly sensitive to oceanic rolling.  I’ve stuck to my guns on that ever since we met, and it’s worked.   To my chagrin and embarrassment, however, I didn’t even get slightly green in the gills tonight.   Perhaps it was the brisk Maine sea air?  Maybe it’s been the myriad plane flights I’ve taken since I was a late teen (the last time I braved a fishing boat off of Long Island, and puked my guts out)?  I just don’t know.

I’m just hoping this doesn’t mean I have to start taking hideous sea cruises, trapped aboard a behemoth white bathtub with sweaty obese people I’d rather not meet.  Maybe I should have fake-puked?


I was away most of the day, so I didn’t see much market action.  It seems it didn’t matter, as my port ended up over 1.5% in the black, again.  It’s like these damn PM’s won’t take a rest.  It’s starting to get consternating, actually.   So for some respite, I added today to  TC (Thompson Creek), which has started to diversify into precious metals, but still has a large concentration in molybdenum, which I like for the long cycle.  I now have officially a shitte tonne of that name again after having sold it down egregiously in the mid teens.

I also added to le Monsieur’s current flavor of the month, social net venture capital investor GSVC. Note: this is an “outside the box” investment for me, and I count it in the same diversified category as my much more illiquid private venture capital investments.   In that regard, I would say that if you are not a high net worth investor (with liquid investable assets of one million or more), I would stay away from this play.  Given that this advice will fall on deaf ears for most of the cowboys that attend this site, I would at least implore that you play this one small.  I am fully aware that I could lose 50% of this play in the blink of an  eye.  You should be prepared for that as well, or leave off completely.

Best to you all from swimmable Maine.


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Late Night at the Clam Cafe


Unfortunately, above-noted  Joyeaux Bivalve was closed this evening, despite their advertising paraphenalia claiming “Open 7 Days!”  Maybe that meant seven days in July, I dunno, but the only thing we really missed out on were the blueberry margaritas (or maybe I should say Mrs. Gint and her sister missed out on them), as we had a fine repast at a low key little dining joint called Farmer’s.  I had the blackened haddock and it was eggsellent.  Tomorrow night, it’s oysters from a famed Maine bay, and then perhaps to the joint Monsieur Le Fly has recently recommended to us.

We did see the last Harry Potter tonight with the older kids and I have to admit it was a disappointment.  I’m not as big a fan as the Mrs. and the boys are, but even I could tell they threw away much of the story in exchange for more whiz bang effects.  I’m disappointed in Ms. Rowling for having allowed this.   I remember from the book that the “King’s Cross Station” scene was of high importance and I have to say they screwed that scene right up, opting to keep the Headmaster as the winsome but cryptic soul rather than the more Gandalfian parent he’d become by that point in the arc.

No worries, I’m fully confident that son #2 will engineer the re-make perfectly in 2031.  He’s already framing his shots.

Nothing much tonight on the stock front I’m afraid.  I sold a little AG today  at $24.04 to “take some off the top” so to speak, as gold and silver are racing ahead at breakneck speed.  I still have oodles.   Of course, it looks like the “regular market” is seeking a crash zone, so I would be loathe to advise you to grab any PM picks tomorrow at least.   However, if the market does sell off again tomorrow, I’d bet dollars to doughnuts there will be some nice entries available to you all.

Best to you, and don’t be shy about leaving a question while I’m on vacay — I tend to check in during the day in between kayaking between ice floes and harpooning grey whales.




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Greetings from Mosquitopia



As I sit here inside my famous Maine homestead, on the end of a sea-bounded rocky egg surrounded by pines, raccoons, osprey, snowy egret, billions of tonnes of mesomorphic and granitic stone, and sluggish black mosquitoes as big as your head, know that I’m thinking of you all fondly.

Today I kayaked all the way out to a remote island in the middle of the bay with my two older sons and a cousin of theirs.  I was extremely proud to see them make it on what was a more arduous journey than we first conceived.  It sort of makes one feel all the tonnes and tonnes of extraneous food they are now consuming is going to some good use in the gradual addition of competent sinew and bone.  Be advised, however, the grocery bill on vacation, fueled by noshing and boozing adults and teenage boys exposed to the brisk northern air can look like the tally for a small air force base under battle ready conditions.

And that’s not even counting the “going out to dinner” tabs.   I think I am going to insist on summer jobs from here on out.

Don’t expect much from me this week, churlish churls.  I’ll  not be like the Monsieur le Fly, regaling you with tales of Amish cow-tipping and such.  No, you’ll be lucky to get the occasional report these next two weeks.  I don’t expect to be doing much in the market save banquing coyne (sic), as it seems the PM run is going to continue whether I’m in front of my screen or not.

I’ve given you several names over the last couple of weeks, and I think the small ones will provide much bang for the buck (AAU, BAA, CGR and BRD particularly).   There are a couple that I will be watching very closely, however, as their longer term chart patterns are appealing to me.  Let’s start with AUQ, which I haven’t spoken much about:

I think there will be some pullbacks in the weeks ahead and I think these are your best bets, long term, on some kind of a retrenchment.  AUQ has just had an awesome consolidation period.   So has has the crazy Japanese Man, Yamana (AUY), which may have the biggest saucer pattern of the PM Renaissance Era.  Tell me you don’t see something happening here?


And it’s not like AUY’s chart’s indications couldn’t be any clearer…  in fact, I think in the end, you will see AUY do what RGLD is doing right now as we speak.  Do you own the Grandmama of them all?   If not, it’s not for lack of my nagging….

Be well, and don’t let the big ass black mosquitoes bite.







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Grab Your Nuggets n’ Run!


Have to Prepare the 5-year old…

I’m apologizing in advance tonight because I am readying now for The Great Maine Vacance, and I haven’t the time to go into deep microanalysis of the political economy and the stock market tonight.

What’s more, I have no idea if our quaint little cottage will have internet or wi-fi coverage.  The only thing thus far confirmed present in the area are large mosquitoes, the occassional lost possum and women with hairy legs who would prefer you call them “Frank.”   (Not really, Maine’s not like Vermont… yet).

This could be my last missive for a while, so I will leave you with a doozy pick.   I expect the PM  pullback I’ve been talking about is here, and we’ll see some nice entry points in the next couple of days.  Just scroll back a couple of days and check the charts for a number of optimal entries which may have seemed unachievable this week, but which may approach your wheelhouse soon.

My doozy pick is NUGT, the Double Gold Miner ETF.   That’s right, if you feel you haven’t been getting enough “action” from jumping the Snake River Canyon with your Big Wheel,  then this is the play for you.   That’s right — extreme caution is warranted (like w. AGQ):

Thank you all, and I hope to speak to you again soon.




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Is Gold Money?

[youtube:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2NJnL10vZ1Y 450 300]

I don’t usually get into these Ron Paul- Ben Bernank Shin Digs, But This One is Good

Did you make money today?  Good. If you did not, I would be pressed to question your Adderol dosage, and perhaps add 100 cc’s — STET!

There’s more to be made, of course, despite our flirtation with oversold levels.   Who knows, this kabuki theater bullscheiss on the debt ceiling might cause a drop off in overall market liquidity in the coming days and we might even get a nice pullback.

More’s the better, I say.

Gold broke to new highs today and so did DGP, which I was hoping to catch at lower levels.   I still grabbed a dollop yesterday, as announced on The PPT, at $50.75. We’re busting out:

Worried about silver?  I was too.  Not so much anymore, however.   I admit, I was a chicken shit, and re-weighted some stuff from silver names to gold.  Not that that was a terrible play, but silver did shoot the moon today, giving me the Chiggers of Chagrin as a reward.  Awful “bitey” those chiggers.   For example, as I announced on The PPT today, I dumped a bunch of AGQ yesterday to put into DGP and other golds.   How do the stock gods reward me?  By humbling me with a $20 move on AGQ today (up some 11%+).   Oy, that smarts.

But, aside from SIL, the silver miner ETF which you should own to capture the field, I really like the look of CDE here.  Sure, it’s a dog, but it’s known for taking advantage of PM rallies.   In this case, I think it’s got yards to run on the weekly, and will not only catch its old highs, but surpass them soon:

Good luck to you my friends.   Try to ignore the politicians.  They cannot defeat price.


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