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Dr. Fly

18 years in Wall Street, left after finding out it was all horseshit. Founder/ Master and Commander: iBankCoin, finance news and commentary from the future.

Is BREXIT, Trump and the End of the EU Even Remotely Priced into Markets?

f the globalists lose France to Le Pen and she opts for a referendum to exit the EU, they can kiss their Soviet styled EU bloc goodbye. Germany will then need to explore alternative methods to conquer Europe for the third time over the past century.

One of the tools of the left to discredit ideologies or people that don’t mesh with their distorted way of thinking is to label them as ‘racists’, ‘anti-Semitic’ or even ‘conspiracy theorists.’ During the recent Presidential elections in the U.S., the left, spearheaded by their agents in the press, utilized all of these tools, in a flaccid attempt to discredit Donald Trump. They failed, miserably — because the spirit of nationalism and the cries for free and fair markets were stirring inside of the non-elite. After decades of docile compliance, thanks to the failed policies that have resulted in the greatest transfer of wealth in the history of mankind, from west to east, people are keenly aware of the unharmonious and ignoble canticle of lies — streaming out of the mouths of the empty vessels (extra John Harwood) doing the bidding for the global elite — are nothing more than shackles, a cantankerous obstacle in the way of the pursuit of happiness.

Le Pen might not be perfect; but, she’s an agent of change. And that’s why she’s crushing her competitors in recent polls.

Typical of Wall Street, none of this is being priced in, not BREXIT, not Trump and certainly not the definitive end of the EU. With markets at all time highs, wistfully edging higher on a daily basis on the absurd prospect of runaway inflation, extreme downside risk beckons — just around the bend.

Here’s Le Pen in a CNBC interview today, discussing the farce that is multiculturalism.

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The Clownery of the Shippers Continues, as $DRYS and Others Get Annihilated

There was never a reason for these bastards to run higher in the first place, given that there are hordes of zombie dry bulkers littering the seas keeping day rates at artificially depressed levels. The only way this issue gets corrected, frankly, is for excess supply to be scrapped. Until then, enjoy your depressed day rates and floating bankruptcy vessels.

The sector looked good in the pre-market, but have since given it all up and more.


Day rates for capesizes are at a fraction of what they were back in 2007 and half of what they were in 2014.


At the forefront of this fuckery is $DRYS, a company that saw its stock rise this morning after news that it agreed to terms with one of its lenders.


Like I said, clownery.

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British Pound Soars After Theresa May Softens Her Stance on BREXIT…Again

In what can only be described as a pattern, Theresa May softened her stance on BREXIT today, in her strongest rhetoric to date — clearly shilling for the British business lobby who’d rather be caught dead in a gay brothel than have to endure the pangs of BREXIT.

Asked about business calls for a transitional deal, she said: “We want to get the arrangement that is going to work best for the UK and the arrangement that is going to work best for business in the UK.”

“I am conscious that there will be issues that need to be looked at … that people don’t want a cliff edge, they want to know with some certainty how things are going to go forward, that will be part of the work that we do in terms of the negotiation.”

Her spokeswoman later said: “There are a whole range of issues that are being worked through as we prepare for the negotiations, with a focus of looking at how we get the best deal for the UK.”

As such, the pound is ripping to the upside, now higher by a little more than 1.2%.


BREXIT means BREXIT, until it doesn’t.

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Goldman Sees a Massive Spike in Share Buybacks Should Trump’s Repatriation Tax Holiday Come to Fruition

We’re literally on the precipice of making America great again and even long term bearshitting strategist from Goldman, David Kostin, knows it.

He’s using the Bush repatriation holiday of 2004 as a reference point, when share buybacks surged 84% to $300b effectively marking the market’s bottom, suggesting that this repatriation holiday could do similar wonders — boosting buybacks by 30%.

Goldman writes:

“A significant portion of returning funds will be directed to buybacks based on the pattern of the tax holiday in 2004,” the team, led by Chief U.S. Equity Strategist David Kostin, write. They estimate that $150 billion (or 20 percent of total buybacks) will be driven by repatriated overseas cash. They predict buybacks 30 percent higher than last year, compared to just 5 percent higher without the repatriation impact.

Morgan Stanley offers a wet towel on an otherwise hot topic.

“The often cited $2.5 trillion statistic [of cash for repatriation] represents accumulated foreign earnings that companies have declared permanently reinvested abroad for GAAP accounting purposes,” they write. “We estimate that only 40 percent of this amount, or roughly $1 trillion, is available in the form of cash and marketable securities. Thus, the other $1.5 trillion has been reinvested to support foreign operations and exists in the form of other operating assets, such as inventory, property, equipment, intangibles and goodwill.” The note did not provide more detail on how much of that available cash the analysts expect to be used for buying back stock.

Either way, there’s no denying that financial engineering is what keeps this fucker of a market ripping to new highs. Having another 2.5t at the disposal of the market riggers might do great things for the indices — paving the way for a most hedonistic and elaborately ornate market wonderstorm.

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$DRYS Comes to Terms with Lending Bank, Stock Surges

If you bought DRYS last week near the top, today’s movie is meaningless horseshit to you. You’re, indelibly, in a post apocalyptic haze — walking about a dystopian landscape with your guts dragging beneath your feet on a hard, cold ground.

But if you bought on Friday, this is good news. DRYS cut a deal with a bank and the stock is surging.


DryShips announces an agreement with one of its lenders to settle outstanding loan obligations

The lending bank has agreed to a write-off of ~50% of the outstanding principal and interest due. The co has repaid ~$8.2 mln of principal and will have to pay an additional amount of $2.0 mln over the next 9 months against a full and final settlement of all of its obligations under the credit documents.

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Goldman Says OPEC Deal Likely; Commodities in Rocketship Mode

Based on the assumption that OPEC and Russia can agree to not fuck each other and cut production down to at least 33m barrels per day, Goldman believes oil can lift to $55 by mid 2017.

Naturally, this is all predicated around the idea everything remains status quo and that China doesn’t get their teeth kicked in by a Trump administration. In other words, the analyst community are partaking in collective cognitive dissonance — pretending the words coming out of the mouth of Trump never really happened.

Americanism not globalism is the credo.

“With greater confidence that the global oil market can finally shift into deficit later next year, we now believe that there is a strong rationale for low-cost producers to deliver a swift production cut to normalize inventories,” Goldman analysts including Damien Courvalin said in a research note.

“Oil fundamentals have weakened sharply since OPEC announced a tentative agreement” and the current glut will increase to about 700,000 barrels a day in the first three months of next year unless OPEC acts, according to Goldman Sachs. Any cut would have to come primarily from Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, the United Arab Emirates and Qatar, with other members keeping output steady at current levels through the first half of 2017, the bank said.

As such WTI and copper are lifting off, this time accompanied by gold.


The Turkey gods approach. It’ll take a fucking act of divine intervention to keep the markets down ahead of national festival.

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Ben Shapiro Attempts to Uncuck CNN Shills Over Trump Hamilton Tweet Coverage

The uncucking of the media is going to be long, delicious process. Eventually, everyone will take the red pill — even Canadians. For now, the mainstream media, through an infantile-like temper tantrum, continue to micro-analyze every action of Donald Trump. Much to their dismay, it is this very coverage, this hysteria, that got Trump elected in the first place. If there’s one thing American’s hate more than anything else, it is a loser. The only thing worse than a loser is a sore loser.

BEHOLD, as Ben Shapiro tries to explain this is a panel of shills.

This is all in regards to Trump’s reasonable tweet about the Hamilton cast attempting to bully VP elect Pence after a show the other day. The media has tried to make this about free speech, when in fact this is about decency and comportment being disgraced by undignified shills.

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CNBC Shit Post: The Re-Oppression of Women is Cool and Trendy

Fuck off mainstream media. I love how the media is getting people worked up about being racist cucks, at the same time promoting Islamic headwear to be a symbol of trendiness and acceptance, instead of what it really is — oppression.

Here’s a commercial in Germany promoting this nonsense. And here is the deranged Covergirl mental patients promoting the hijab, in addition to the FIRST EVER Coverboy transgender fuckery.

The bedraggled microbes at the heads of our media companies are so stoned on narcotics, so deranged from living incorrect lives, they’ve gone full tilt into Sodom and Gomorrah territory — attempting to blur the lines of gender. This campaign is failing, miserably, as evidenced by a populist rebuke — most recently displayed through democratic elections. However, they won’t understand the consequences of their actions until it hits them where they care most: right in their fucking transgendered balls (aka wallet).

Here’s CNBC shit posting in Asia tonight, promoting ‘Millennial Money’ via ‘Modest Fashion’ aka the explicit re-oppression of women.

Fuck off CNBC. Women are special, much prettier to look at than men wearing lipstick — or hidden under some fucked up theocratic garb.

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Get Ready For FREXIT: French Nationalist Marine Le Pen Takes Huge Lead in Polls

Freedom is about to ring throughout Champs-Élysées again — as the French people stand up for what’s good and just — placing a woman who cares deeply about the fate of her country, Marine Le Pen, at the very top of the polls.

Up until recently, the media gave her NO CHANCE of winning. Alas today, she’s leading the catamite Sarkozy by 9 points.

Fuck off, Bloomberg.


Marine was thrilled to see Trump win the election here in the US, saying his victory  “makes the French realize that what the people want, they can get, if they mobilize themselves.”

“Donald Trump has made possible what was presented as completely impossible,” Le Pen told CNN in an interview Tuesday. “So it’s a sign of hope for those who cannot bear wild globalization. They cannot bear the political life led by the elites.”

“This win also kills the argument used by my opponents about isolation,” she said. “They say, ‘Marine Le Pen, your policies have isolated you.’ I feel less isolated today because of the multi-polar world defended by Donald Trump but also by Theresa May and Vladimir Putin.”

PJ Watson sums up the illogical narrative being disseminated by the left.

In a recent interview with Time, Le Pen said the European Union is ‘objectively a total failure’ — comparing it to the Soviet Union.

Yes, this is the beginning of the end of the European Union. And I hope the birth of the Europe of nations, a Europe of cooperation, that we’ve been propounding for years. The European Union is objectively a total failure. It’s a social failure, it’s an economic failure, it’s a failure in terms of power, it’s a diplomatic failure. They are doing exactly what they did in the Soviet Union. When the results were not in line with expectations, [the Soviets] would say it didn’t work because there was not enough Communism. And the European Union is the same. Each time there is a failure they say it is because there is not enough Europe. The British people have just said ‘stop. For us it’s the end. It’s over.’

Her position on staying in the EU is very clear and her conditions logical  — either give France its freedom back or she will call for a referendum to leave  it.

In order to organize the referendum I need to win the presidential elections [next year]. I’m the only major candidate that has proposed a referendum, and that has been since four years ago, since before [U.K. Prime Minister David] Cameron, that I suggested organizing a referendum. I would go to the European institutions, I would demand for the French people four sovereignties: territorial—our borders; monetary and budgetary; economic; and legislative. Either the European Union says yes to me, or they would say no, and I would say to the French, there is no only other solution but to leave the E.U.

Get ready for a FREXIT.

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