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Dr. Fly

18 years in Wall Street, left after finding out it was all horseshit. Founder/ Master and Commander: iBankCoin, finance news and commentary from the future.

Steve Mnuchin Selected by Trump for Treasury Secretary, a Look at Previous Secretaries and Affiliations

Trump selected Steve Mnuchin to be the next Treasury Secretary. Steve is a Goldman man. What else is new? Let’s have a look at the recent men who’ve filled this role in government and their affiliations.

Steve Mnuchin: Parter at Goldman Sachs, Yale, Dad worked for Goldman for three decades, brief gig at Soros hedge fund, Hollywood producer.
Jack Lew: COO of Citi prop trading unit that correctly bet on housing collapse in 2008, Harvard, Council on Foreign Relations.
Hank Paulson: Former CEO of Goldman Sachs, Dartmouth, worked at Pentagon and in Nixon administration.
John Snow: Former CEO of CSX, Chairman Cerberus Capital Management, served under several administrations and shilled on a sundry of boards.
Paul O’Neil: Former CEO of Alcoa, Member of Carnegie Mellon University’s dean’s advisory council.
Larry Summers: Former President of Harvard, managing partner at DE Shaw, Chief Economist at the World Bank.
Robert Rubin: 26 Years at Goldman Sachs, London School of Economics, Yale, Co-Chair of the Council on Foreign Relations, Chair of Citi
Lloyd Bentsen: University of Texas, WW2 Vet, promoted to Lt. Col and discharged in 1947, wanted to Nuke N. Korea, served on board of Lockheed Martin, helped convince republicans to pass NAFTA while serving under Clinton.

UPDATE: I forgot to mention Timmy Geithner, former President of the NY Fed, Dad worked for Ford Foundation. Grandpa advised Rockefeller and George Romney during their Presidential bids, as well as Eisenhower. Timmy spent most of his childhood abroad, but came back to attend Dartmouth. In addition to Dartmouth, he attended Peking University, Beijing University and Johns Hopkins. Tim speaks both Chinese and Japanese. Early in his career, he worked for Kissinger, then in the Rubin and Summers Treasury Departments. After leaving those fuckers in 2001, Tim went on to the Council on Foreign Affairs, before a gig at the IMF. A regular ham and egger.

Nice group of guys.

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SHILL ALERT: Mitt Romney Addresses the Press After Fine Dining with President Elect Trump

If you were hoping, like I was, to truly drain the swamp, this press conference by one of the prime swamp creatures should scare you. Thus far, Trump’s cabinet has been populated by shills, with a few patriots like Bannon sprinkled in. Notice how the elite are going apeshit Bannon and not the others? The true test of Trump’s picks are whether they’re received well by the media or not. If the media has good things to say, odds are the person Trump picked is a cuck.

I understand the State Department, traditionally, is filled by shills, empty and corrupt suits who try their best to destroy the country in the small amount of time allotted to them. However, the people who voted for Trump expected something different. That’s not to say we’d prefer Joey Bologna from Brooklyn to take the role. But Mitt Romney, the quintessential checkered pants republican neocon fucked face?

No thanks.

In spite of what Trump might do wrong over the next 4 years, nothing could’ve been worse than rewarding the Presidency to crooked Hillary and her satanic gargoyle friends.

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Leftist Group in NYC Burns American Flag: ‘This Flag Deserves to Burn’

In response to Trump’s tweet, regarding making it illegal to burn the American flag, cucks ran out and burned the fucking flag — right in front of Trump Hotel, NYC.

The NYC Revolution Club (lolz, unarmed I’m guessing) sent out this tweet earlier today, inviting like minded shills to burn the flag — promoting communism and an end to American greatness.

And a demonstration of abject stupidity.

These people are literally the scourge of the earth, insidious creatures, drug addled and mentally ill, the mountebanks and vagrants of an otherwise civilized country. Their demise cannot come soon enough. We must drain the swamp and take away the oxygen that has permitted these deformed and hideous monsters to flourish for so long — controlled and manipulated by a globalist system of mercenary scum — hell bent on breaking this country in half and devouring its spirit.

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Kellogg’s Pulls Ads from Breitbart

It’s happening, folks. Ever since Trump won the election, the shills on the left have been actively trying to prevent S. Bannon from joining Trump’s White House staff — for reasons that are fairly obvious. He isn’t a white supremacist. Instead, he knows who they are — who they truly are, under the facade of gentility.

Following AppNexus’ banning of Breitbart is the maker of shitty breakfast treats, Kellogg’s — removing their ads from one of the top websites on the planet — because, umm, FAKE NEWS.

“We regularly work with our media buying partners to ensure our ads do not appear on sites that aren’t aligned with our values as a company,” Kellogg spokesperson Kris Charles in a statement. “This involves reviewing websites where ads could potentially be placed using filtering technology to assess site content. As you can imagine, there is a very large volume of websites, so occasionally something is inadvertently missed. In this case, we learned from consumers that ads were placed on Breitbart.com and decided to discontinue advertising there.”

If you’re running a website and not towing the globalist agenda, you’re at risk of being defunded by third party advertisers.

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The Uncuckable Tucker Carlson Humiliates Another Liberal, This Time Over Racializing OSU Terror Attack

Tariq Nasheed was the latest victim to be dismantled and surgically annihilated by the Uncuckable Tucker Carlson.

Upon hearing about the OSU terror attack, Tariq, essentially, said the cop who shot the terrorist wasn’t a hero and reduced the event to a white guy shooting a black guy — wanton shilling at its worst.

Tucker addressed this issue, as well as several others.

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#MAGA: Trump Successfully Negotiates Deal to Keep Carrier in the U.S.; One Thousand Jobs Saved

CNBC is reporting that Trump and the parent company of Carrier, United Technologies, have come to terms with a deal that will enable the company to remain in the US — effectively saving 1,000 jobs.

Spin this, cucks.

All he had to do was care a little and pick up the god damned phone.

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CNN Anchor Suggests Women Should Wear a Symbol of Oppression to Show Solidarity With Islam

The distorted minds of the illiberal left do not know boundaries. Their drug addled, satanic, lifestyles of decadence and hedonism have reduced them to feckless shells, idiots who advance via extortion, blackmail and other sorts of wanton corruption.

Here is a very rich and a very liberal woman — who enjoys the many superfluities of western lifestyle — blessed to be born in a nation that practices and promotes tolerance. But it’s her deep seated hatred for Americana that leads her down the deep and very dark cavernous hole that bends her liberalism to accept oppression.

Plainly, the hijab isn’t a symbol of Islam, but a beacon of oppression of an entire gender. By promoting it and telling others to wear it in solidarity with women who are being oppressed is like saying we should all wear chains and carry around bushels of cotton, back in the days of slavery, instead of fighting to end it.

As I’ve outlined over the past few months, this is a trend by western governments to break the people’s will — heavily promoting this as something that is trendy. These people are fucking cucks.

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Material Stocks Pullback as Trump Trade Fizzles

It’s all bullshit. After Trump won the election, a giant short squeeze ensued, pricing in the construction of the biggest fucking wall ever conceptualized in the history of the world. Although the southern border wall will only stretch 2,000 miles, the sages on Wall Street priced in a wall that would wrap around the fucking planet three times, with all of the grotesque moves squeezed out of very weak and very impaired material names.

Some of the standout over the past month include: $AKS +70%, $CLF +61%, $X +61%, $KRO +55%, $IIIN +51%, $TMST +46%, $CMC +43%, $HSC +43% and $AA +39%.

I can droll on and on over the gains — highlighting a very perverse and decadent market that has disconnected itself from reality.

Art ‘let’s marinate some iced cubes in this here whiskey’ Cashin throws a cold towel on the hotter heads out there — reminding them of reality.

WTI was hammered today, nearly 4%. Basic resource stocks were the only outliers to the downside — led by $FCX clown slapped for 5%.

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BARRICADES AT TIFFANY’S: Company Issues Sales Warning Due to Anti-Trump Protesters

The company reported an excellent quarter and the stock is higher by 6.5% early on. However, they issued a warning due to its flagship NYC store undergoing notable softness, thanks to all of the progressives protesting the democratically elected candidate for President of the United States, Donald J. Trump — right next door at Trump Tower.

An analyst from Cowen believes foot traffic could be halved, due to the wanton fuckery that is pervasive and ongoing outside the building. Truly, this cannot be happening at a worse time for Tiffany’s, especially when considering the business climate is robust for their overpriced wares and idiot bracelets.

The flagship NYC store accounts for 8% of overall sales.

Here’s the scene outside of Trump Tower.

Source: Bloomberg

Tiffany & Co. said the protests and heightened security around the residence of President-elect Donald Trump have hurt customer traffic at its flagship New York store — and the company isn’t sure when things will get better.

The shop on Fifth Avenue, next to Trump Tower, has seen “sales softness” compared with the year before and relative to the company’s other U.S. stores, Tiffany said in a statement Tuesday. The location is Tiffany’s largest.

“The company cannot provide any assurance that sales in that store will not be negatively affected by this activity in the fourth quarter or in any future period,” the jeweler said.

Traffic at the store, which has an entrance next to Trump Tower’s, could be cut in half, Cowen & Co.’s Oliver Chen said in a note this month. The analyst trimmed his fourth-quarter earnings forecast for Tiffany by 3 cents a share.

“Donald Trump’s election victory may cause an unforeseen headwind to the business in the fourth quarter,” and the disruption could linger and deter foot traffic through the key holiday selling season, Ike Boruchow, an analyst at Wells Fargo & Co., said in a note.

Anti-Trump protests have broken out near the residence of the president-elect, and barricades have been erected around the building to control traffic and pedestrians. Tiffany, whose corporate offices also are based in New York, has encouraged customers to enter its store through a side entrance.

Elsewhere, Tiffany’s business showed signs of improvement. The company posted third-quarter earnings and sales that topped analysts’ estimates — led by rebounding demand in Asia — sending the shares up in early trading.


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