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Dr. Fly

18 years in Wall Street, left after finding out it was all horseshit. Founder/ Master and Commander: iBankCoin, finance news and commentary from the future.

The Important Matter of Bad Nicknames

I’m fucking busy, so this will be brief.

A long time ago, “little Fly” was a kick ass baseball player, a pitcher of course.

I must have been 12 years old, on the mound, striking batters out–as usual.

Then, all of a sudden, my Mother started screaming from the stands– a nickname that I had never heard before.

Much to my chagrin, she was cheering: “go Scooter go, go Scooter gooo!”

What the fuck!

As you know, being the rock star little league pitcher that I was, this was an alarming turn of events–having my own Mother heckle me, with queer nicknames, from the stands.

I stepped off the mound and gave my Mother one of the looks–but it was too late.

The other team had caught on, appreciating the femininity of this nickname, and began chanting “Scooter.”

Being the level headed pre-teen that I was, I planned to ignore them, while mowing down their bullshit lineup.

But, then it happened.

The Scooter shit reached a fevered pitch, with laughter everywhere, making “little Fly” embarrassed/agitated.

I snapped.

I stepped off the fucking mound and threw a fastball into the opposing teams dugout, screaming: “fuck you assholes.”

Shortly thereafter, “little Fly” was removed from the game, kicking and screaming, ordered to leave the ball park.

As I walked home with my Mother, all I heard was “Scooter, Scooter.”


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