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Joined Sep 2, 2009
1,224 Blog Posts

Well That Was Exhausting

Why does one even take a vacation?

I took off Friday and Monday to have a nice long weekend. And when I returned, it looked like a file cabinet vomitted from a night of rough drinking, all over my desk. My inbox was overflowing so, crying like a tiny child, I began to make the effortful climb to the top.

The papers are now beginning to clear away, and I can start to see desktop again. Heaven help me if I take a real vacation this year.

The markets are docile and I am on my toes. I have a nice big cash position, but am refraining from becoming to bearish. There are things I see that frighten me, and have for months, but generally speaking I feel that I have a good strategy here. The positions I own should do well, even if the rest of the market should come on hard times. I just need to wade through any blood.

My personal positions have been in a miny sell off for about two weeks now, and my gains are down to the 19% mark, year to date.

Other than that, life is good and well worth living.

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  1. tuck9899

    i hoe you continue to blog frequently…i much enjoy your insights

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  2. Rich

    I agree! I checked email while I was on vacation for the last couple of days, and started counting my todo list while I was on vacation was never fun

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  3. GunRunner

    Taking some time off in August is never a bad thing.

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