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A Couple Thoughts On The “Occupation”

If you’ve read me for more than a week, you probably know I’m what you might call “staunchly conservative.” And as such, it should come as no surprise to you that I hate this Occupy Wall Street garbage, from the moment I heard of them.

But despite my hating them, I really do enjoy watching groups like these come into being, so that periodically I can forecast them getting wiped out, as if I were holding some sort of crystal ball.

This hodgepodge of forces is as doomed as I was sure the Tea Party was going to stick around for a few years.

Despite my taunting them on “The Twitter” I really don’t mind that they think they’re going to shepherd in some sort of revolution by which I fall at their hands. In fact, they are more than welcome to try. What really bothers me about them is how utterly incapable they seem to be at organizing themselves around an issue – any issue – before the short span of time their little movement has at life expires.

If I had to select a word that aptly described their timing for ushering in an “anti-Wall Street” movement, then that word would be “daft.” The timing for this is all wrong. Why the fuck would people be more interested in attacking finance now, when finance has been shedding jobs and struggling for life, than when the banking crisis first sprung up.

And make no mistake; timing is everything with these events. If the environment is not perfect, then the movement dies; burning out quickly like a flame with no oxygen.

The Tea Party sprung up within a few months of the spending bills and healthcare laws of Obama’s first year passing.

Or, if you prefer, the Vietnam War was a continually raging issue, where the losses were in front of you every day, reminding you why you opposed it, like gasoline being poured steadily over a campfire. This kept the protestors steadily driven.

Would Russia have fared so well in the Caucasian War if the Ottoman Empire had not already been in decline?

Did Themistocles ever imagine he’d be ostracized in the aftermath of the Persian Wars? Yet just such a thing would happen years later, when moods had changed.

Timing matters, so why do these imbeciles think now is an apt time to move on the banks, when we’ve seen press release after press release of bad news from them, from poor performance, to exposure to losses, to having to fire tens of thousands of employees.

Yes, what a terrifying and evil force these collapsing banks are!

These kids are slow on the uptake, so they probably don’t stand a chance. Watch for a new round of inconveniently timed bank collapses to usher in a new round of pain and suffering just in time to coincide with the message of Occupy Wall Street – that we need to bring down the banks. Their message will be appropriately suffocated by the consequences of that.

The other thing that bothers me about them is their total inability to craft a message. I think the press is intentionally giving them a pass on this, probably because it’s not really a good policy to allow some twenty-nothings to brand your favorite pet causes with the mark of “revolutionary.” I doubt the Times is interested in people associating “clean energy,” “foreclosure prevention” and “multinational talks” with revolutionaries threatening to bring down democratic government, so it’s “a spirited and leaderless general assembly” when they’re misbehaving (although never mind all the liberal leaders walking around, from Patterson to the unions), and a movement against “unfair” wealth distribution the rest of the time.

But a movement without a message is a waste of time. What are these little bastards thinking they will accomplish when they don’t even know what they want to accomplish. This is just ineffectual, and waiting to be hijacked. I’m surprised incognito conservatives haven’t started showing up, pushing signs for eugenics and “forced population control” just to help things along the path of dissipation.

That’s what happens when you don’t have a lead; organization needs to be organized, and the world hates a vacuum.

But the thing that bothers me most of all is how these kids have a self-inflated view of themselves, as to label themselves an “occupational force.” Do they think that the Tibetans knew they’d be the rallying cry of a generation against Chinese brutality when they stood off against the Chinese army?

No, they did it because they felt they had to. Because they didn’t have a future.

But these little fuckers are trying to craft history while looking in a mirror. It’s narcissistic and pathetic; as if they’re dedicated or know what hardship is while tweeting on their iPhones.

Occupy Wall Street…Occupy Chicago…Occupy Los Angeles…Occupy Seattle…

I can’t help but notice that every city on their list to occupy is a bastion of liberalism. How much of an occupation is that?

Occupy Los Angeles…I think we all already knew that they were occupying Las Angeles, which is a lot like saying Brazilians occupy Brazil, or Ireland is occupied by the Irish.

Oh God, I bet they’ll occupy Detroit next! I’d better start packing my bags…

Maybe they should try to occupy a city where likeminded individuals don’t already dominate every branch of the core governments. Just a thought…

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  1. The Equalizer

    I don’t know who wrote this, but I saw it a few days ago and this seems as appropriate a place as any to share it:


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  2. FastEddie

    Next we’ll see these clowns trying to flash mob Lehman Bros.

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  3. Mike Adamson

    If the OWSers were to put out a list of issues or policy ideas then the take away would be that changing policies will solve contemporary problems. The OWSers appear to believe that the process and the institutional structure must change, not merely the content of the process and structure. If this is true then we should expect a list of demands to focus on process issues rather than policy issues, the latter being addressed when the appropriate institutions are in place.

    It’s changing the game rather than changing the players as it were.

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  4. Bozo on a bus

    You’re right. Revolutionaries? Hah. I bet none of them have read about the violence and suffering both before and after revolutions in France, Russia, and China, or even more recent ones in the Middle East.

    A friend was at Kent State during the protests (he was uninvolved). His description of the events was far more violent than what was protrayed in the media.

    The weather’s nice, I’m not busy right now, think I’ll go out and protest something. What a joke.

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  5. Treepart

    I can easily see this grow and at some point get organized. When the market crashes this month and shovels more shit on the prospects of the unemployed and frustrated I can easily see more organization and more people getting thrown into the mix.

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    • Mr. Cain Thaler

      Yeah, but organized around what? Despite the troubles we’ve been having, I’m sure most people are mature enough to know that “changing the model” a.k.a. ushering in some form of communism is not going to improve things.

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  6. remote spookster
    remote spookster

    With all due respect for your staunchness, you’re missing the forest for the trees. Yes, OWS are a bunch of misfits. They are also, however, a symptom of a profound shift currently underway in this country against the kind of banker-led theft and pillage that has been going on for the past decade. You’re looking at this in the wrong timeframe. People are only now beginning to recognize an process what happened in 2008…. These kinds of shifts are slow, but they are deep. Home ownership is still at 70%. when it drops under 50, the interests of the lumpenwalmart folk and yourself will be revealed to have been at odds. Myself too. How will they react?

    I for one worry about the choices we will be making as a country. unless the right fabricates another foreign bogeyman to hate (blacks, Jews, commies, etc., have all played the role of internal or external enemy), I don’t think Jesus can do it alone, especially if we stay globalized.

    I said a while ago that this drama won’t be over till the bankers are hung out to dry one way or another. We have broached the thin line that separates history from the domain of myth. The most sacred also become the sacrificial lambs when the shit hits the fan. Don’t believe me, go read your greek tragedy. We’re only in act 2, when the protagonist realizes who the real killer is: not to mix sources here, but we’re hamlet who has just learned who killed his father… Now the question is what will he do. If you’re right, he will dither, and fail to plunge the blade at the proper moment. But we might be in a shakespearean history where the stage runs with everyone’s blood. Hard to know. One thing is for sure: we’re no longer in the dumb romantic comedy that was playing last decade. The genre has changed. Just ask the Greeks and the europeans. The us has avoided the worst of these worldwide fuckjobs in the past. This time? Who knows. Invest accordingly. I am.

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    • Mr. Cain Thaler

      Except that bankers have been the boogeyman favored by most the world since d’Medici the elder roamed the Earth. Yet banking still endures. It’s hard to really blame bankers when it becomes apparent that their absence is worse than their presence.

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  7. leftcoasttrader

    I remember the first time I was in Berlin and seeing the remnants of the wall covered in fading and weathered graffiti. Apparently it is quite popular among tourists to add their own little bit of “graffiti” on the wall, usually something along the lines of “Bill was here – 07/2010.” These little messages have completely taken over what is left of the original graffiti that once served a purpose. No sense of the history they are covering up. No sense of how utterly insignificant their message was. Everyone just had to put their little mark on it.

    I get the same feeling with these kind of events. If you’re going to protest something it should be with the full knowledge that you will be judged against protests that have marked very definitive changes in the direction of humanity. So you damn well better have a better reason than “I’m unhappy, let’s protest.” If not, you’re just wasting people’s time and further sullying the word “revolution,” which I think is one of the most misused words in the English language. It has somehow transformed into a word you use when you believe strongly in something, regardless of how thought out or relevant it is.

    Anyways, rant over. Great stuff as always Cain.

    Krull looking for protestors:


    I don’t know how many people he actually talked to, but I find it quite striking that the best idea someone could come up with is “support our organization.”

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  8. Indie

    Perhaps wrongly, but i thought Dylan Ratigan was behind thisl movement the same way Santelli is with the tea party.

    I guess I am wrong.

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    • The Gnat

      It was Anonymous, the hive-mind of 20 year old neckbeards from 4chan. They’ve protested Scientology, etc, in the past. However, this has turned out to be one of their larger outings. This is why it’s as unorganized as it is, as they just spammed some image around the internets encouraging people to show up, regardless of their issue with the establishment. All were welcome.

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  9. GonzoT

    Look if people are fucked over long and hard enough by the rich aristocratics that run their governments, then the people will finally have enough and turn to civil unrest. It is a very constant theme of world history.

    Happens to everyone sooner or later.

    Look they just dont know how they are being fucked over, hence no real platform or demands. but they are pissed off on how things are going.

    I read the 25 and under age group has 25% unemployment.

    This is playing out all over the world right now.. so buckle up.. the fat is in the fryer now. The poor and exploited have had enough…

    They should be marching in Washington not Wallstreet IMHO.. Wallstreet is all about greed and has never tried to be anything else. The Government is where there the rains of unabashed greed are held in check…. they have done a shmefull job.

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  10. Indie

    We could be witnessing inter generational debt default.

    Basically, youth will not honor other generations debt.

    They look like disgruntled babies at the moment, but I wouldn’t discard this movement just yet.

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  11. Po Pimp

    Good stuff.

    But one question, is Las Angeles anywhere near Los Angeles?

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  12. dk

    they might not have a clue but we all know they are right. the banks fucked us.. rich and poor.. and nobody has been held accountable. i want to see angelo handcuffed to a welfare cheat on the way to rikers

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  13. Indie

    Wow. This is out of control.



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  14. Mad_Scientist

    Here is a window into the cavernous depths of some of the warped minds behind this protest:



    And some pictures of these losers with their signs (slideshow) http://www.observer.com/2011/09/the-wall-street-protests-in-pictures/
    What utter tools.

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  15. Woodshedder

    This was started by Anonymous. Yes, the same Anonymous who are against the gov’t and go around hacking shit.

    It seems that Anon didn’t figure on MoveOn, Soros, SEIU, etc. co-opting the rally to support, uh, bigger government, and a re-election of Obama.

    Remember who was Obama’s biggest contributor, during his first campaign? Hint: Vampire Squid.

    These people, the occupiers, are idiots. And don’t get me wrong, I’m a big fan of protesting and civil disobedience.

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    • Mr. Cain Thaler

      lol, Anonymous are 19 year old pampered brats who weren’t good enough to try out for sports. I’m gonna go out on a limb here and guess that half these kids are just using pre-designed software that gives them the capability to hack by pushing buttons, but don’t really understand what they’re doing.

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  16. bluehubbard

    agreed. these fuckin losers are as phony as all the old fuck tea party members.

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    • Mr. Cain Thaler

      I can understand if you hate the Tea Party (some of them are pretty bizarre) but it’s difficult to call the Tea Party phony after the last election. Maybe give it time though.

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  17. bluehubbard

    i want a street fight between these asshats and the tea party asshats put on live tv. but the participants have too over 62. lets see which side of these self serving cocksuckers comes out on top.

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  18. bluehubbard

    we need a fourth party. “make the old fight themselves” can be the slogan.

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