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Joined Sep 2, 2009
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Energy Bulls Are Assholes

So oil is recovering here, on this lazy Friday afternoon of trading.

It will not dissuade me in the slightest. Next week, I will be back at it, waiting on the impending collapse of crude oil prices. I have the backing of a European crisis. I have the support of foreign producers. And I am in line with the conserving American consumer.

Monday. Or perhaps next week. Or thereafter. But the supply glut is coming. And I will use it to drive oil speculators off a cliff.

Later, though. Now, I am taking an early weekend. Let the dollar bears push the line back; they will get what’s coming to them.

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  1. Po Pimp

    Hey, I resemble that remark. But I’m more a bull for the oil and gas services not so much the producers. 2009 and last year was the producer’s time in the sun. Now it moves to the service co’s.

    All I know is work has picked up tremendously in our sector. The number of job offers being thrown around reminds me of mid 2005 – 2007. It’s sad that unemployment is so high, yet my industry can’t find people. I guess a lot of people aren’t willing to do real work any more.

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    • Mr. Cain Thaler
      Mr. Cain Thaler

      (laughter) nothing but respect Po. Trying to take advantage of high oil prices, I’d assume?

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  2. discoordinated

    btw I am back as the official CCJ chearleader.

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  3. The Fly

    OIL TRADES UP. lol

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    • Mr. Cain Thaler
      Mr. Cain Thaler

      All in good time, and I shall be trash talking like no other.

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