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Joined Sep 2, 2009
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Calling An Early Weekend

The market is boring, so I’m out. The holiday weekend is not something most people have the courage to bet against, so I don’t anticipate any sudden change between now and the close.

BG is up over 1.5% again today. Let’s keep it coming.

My performance is mixed, and I gave back some of yesterday’s gains.

Hopefully, Libya will negotiate a cease fire this weekend, brokered by Europe, and the resulting calm will help to absolutely destroy the price of oil and, lagging somewhat, gasoline.

I’m rather happy at the moment. The state of Michigan finally has a governor who isn’t a complete imbecile. Maybe we can finally have some population and job growth now that we’re not running a policy of stabbing our own working citizens in the face with pencils.

I must admit, I’ve enjoyed watching the “spend more, we can’t afford cuts” crowd going haywire, trying to explain why cutting salaries and reducing services will systematically bring about the end of civilization. However, it has finally started to get a little old. Snyder is preparing to sign into law the new year budget, which goes to town on both Michigan’s open purse policies, and our retarded tax code.

For the first time, I’m actually optimistic about my state’s future. Any more of their nonsense, and I was going to have to flee to Texas like Ted Nugent.

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  1. Raule

    Enjoy your holiday MCT! Pure Michigan, Great Lakes, Great Times

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  2. drummerboy

    broke my heart when he moved.spent so much time in sw mich growing up. good weekend to you sir.

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  3. Mr. Cain Thaler
    Mr. Cain Thaler

    Just witnessed the amazing 3 PERSON PROTEST FOR THE RECALL OF RICK SNYDER.

    Such a gathering, there has never been.

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  4. discoordinated

    I think your CCJ may look very nice in the morning.

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