Just Not Built The Same


I’m sure the majority of you were thinking I was going to use this post to paint an extremely homoerotic picture of how superior my DNA is, that’s not the case. I’m here to address the issue of how we have got to this point where we misuse labels. People refer to themselves as athletes because they run 3 times a week. That’s not an athlete, pal, but we’ll get there. Think about cars these days, they don’t last, they always have some kind of problem, and they look pathetic. Not to mention their lack of options. When my 1970 Challenger was first ordered you could choose between an inline six cylinder engine, OR FIVE V8’S! Nowadays you’re lucky if you even get one engine option, except for someone like BMW. Not only that, but almost all cars are moving away from a manual transmission, the fact that you can’t get a Charger SRT8 with a manual is an absolute travesty. I don’t understand? People used to go out on “Sunday Drives” for fun, now it seems everyone wants their car to transport them to their destination mindlessly. No shifting, no paying attention to the road, instead it’s phone call time. “Oh I’m driving, I must call everyone in my contacts, and my mom the third time today to talk about that dress in the window, and why men are so stupid.”

We all get caught up in this athlete thing now. It seems as though campaigns from companies like NKE and UA  aremarketing their workout clothes for “athletes only,” clothes made for the sole purpose of working out in a gym. Just going to the gym doesn’t make you an athlete, getting exercise is something everyone should do. I know what the dictionary says about the word and it’s pretty broad sweeping. Doing a bunch of curls doesn’t make you an athlete. Athletes train for a goal, and it’s to win. Being an athlete is a full time commitment. If you go run to just exercise, but don’t push yourself or obsess about your goal, you’re not an athlete. Athlete’s are constantly thinking about that next physical or game related goal. Doing a bunch of push-ups won’t make you a better athlete. An athlete needs to be explosive, to do this the central nervous system has to be tested and the muscles overloaded. Push-ups will give you a great “pump,” and they will cause some hypertrophy in your muscles, but they won’t make you a better offensive lineman like benching heavy weight will. Think about it, whether it’s baseball, football, etc. you make one block, you swing/hit the ball, you run and catch a fly ball, then there is a break between the next one. Do you need to have endurance? Why of course, but endurance comes with getting your CNS to realize that it can handle a heavy load, then working on building all the involved muscles. When working ancillary muscles body weight exercises may be used to supplement  but there’s a reason why coaches care about bench, clean, squat, personal records.

This is another case of letting ourselves slip. We shouldn’t stand for the crap cars we pay so much for, nor should some fatty who runs a mile twice a week be considered an athlete. We seriously need to take a step back and realize we are not near as great we think we are, and based on the past we were once a lot greater.


26 Responses to “Just Not Built The Same”

  1. I hate to your bubble but the public ranks the guys that can do a bunch of push-ups far above the guy that can bench press 400lbs and consume 15 lbs of meat a day.

    Maybe their goal is to live a long and healthy life. I consider that an athlete of life.

    • I’m with Bullish on this one. I think feats of endurance are equally impressive as any powerlifter or strongman. But my opinion is no better than anyone elses. So we’ll agree to disagree.

  2. You Are No Athlete Fatty

    Well, looks like I was right about your “performance”. Nothing to show right? Figures. When you lie like you do, others need to be told.

    And before you start writing about how this is Donald Trump’esque just know that I have been tracking your performance and if you start silencing me I will post it every chance I get on every medium out there. Facebook, Google, Twitter, IBC…MySpace.

    Secondly, how is it that a 300 pound tubster such as yourself is pretending to be an athlete. I’ve seen your pictures. There is nothing athletic about what you do and just because you can move some weight (entirely due to your obesity) does not make you an athlete.

    So now I offer you two challenges.

    1. Post your audited returns showcasing your performance for the last 8-12 weeks.

    2. Post a video of you doing 60 pushups in a row or jogging at 5-6 on a treadmill for 10 min in the next 72 hours.

    And stop being such a liar Rhino. Don’t make me open Pandora’s Box on your dumbass.

    • I just gave you what you wanted. Did your dad never play catch with you? How about this, I’ve posted me doing multiple agility exercises on here, Twitter and my Youtube. Not to mention squatting over 500lbs and deadlifting over 600lbs. Oh, and not to mention the video of me sprinting. Perhaps you should do your research , PAL,’cause you look a raving lunatic. Mike Francesa would refer to you as a “mongo.”
      You must have a very fulfilling life, considering you need to come on here and post nonsense, while people like myself, who have lives, are spending them with friends and family. 1 is the loneliest number, and so on.
      Please remember that I have served this country, and if that’s not worth something to you, well sir, kindly go fuck yourself.

  3. You Are No Athlete Fatty

    I see McTubster is talking about me on Twitter. Wish he’d be honest and just debate me front and center. But unlike me, he is NOT ACCOUNTABLE AND NOT TRANSPARENT.

    Only a matter of time before Fly cuts this asshat from the site.

    • So, exactly how are you being accountable and transparent? Your account statements and trading records are posted where again?

      • Rhino Cant Do One Pushup


  4. You Are No Athlete Fatty

    As anyone who reads this blog can see. Rhino is hiding behind his candyass Twitter account UNABLE AND UNWILLING TO CHALLENGE ME. That is typical of a guy who spends his days lying to everyone about his strength, bio & performance.

    • There are so many screenshots of my accounts, go back and do the research. You obviously love Obama and think he is the second messiah. That withheld, your claims are pathetic in nature, akin to an old man shaking his stick about not getting two pennies back at the store.

      The same with my workouts, they are on my YouTube channel.

  5. You Are No Athlete Fatty

    Also, you have some nerve talking about safe driving given your track record both as a driver as well as a pedestrian. Don’t you have numerous infractions under your belt? Your size 45 belt FATTY!

  6. Smack down in clown town. Rhino.. As Elvis said. It’s now or never.

    • Pushups? Wuz That?

      I own him and he knows it. He’s too busy looking up the word “defeated” in the dictionary. I’m going to stamp my name on his forehead, so he remembers this moment for the rest of his life.

    • Clown Town? Is that the place where you tuck your sack back? You listen to 70’s Elvis? That’s embarrassing. Be honest, are you a ‘Rhinestone Cowboy?”

  7. Shit is starting to “pop off” in here… Moving on, I thought this was a great article, look forward to reading more.

  8. Nice job Rhino. As UA says in their ad campaigns PROTECT YOUR HOUSE!

  9. Troll fest aside I like the caddy. 6 mpg and spending the majority of its roadtime seeking petrol.

    Hail the 60’s land yacht fuckers.

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