Campaigning and Complaining


VOTE RHINO 2012!!!! I want that tab.

In the midst of my campaign I find myself, once again, getting graped by a bullshit market. Not only is it a BS market, but it’s propelled by politicians that are more worried about getting votes than actually taking care of their constituents. That is one of the saddest realities we face, politicians care about votes and dollar signs, not the people who got them there. GRPN and FSLR are blowing my mind, they should be down, and so should P for that matter, but who cares about “should.”

I just started a ~7% position in EXK. The only thing I know for certain is that precious metals and muni bonds are going to be in high demand as the momos in DeeCee continue to bicker with each other like some suburban housewives on the board at the local HOA.

Observe the carnage.

12 Responses to “Campaigning and Complaining”

  1. Schwing that big penis around there

  2. Whose trade is that VHC? I think someone else been pumping that one. Besides, things look spread around, like someone can’t make up their mind what will work.

    Good luck.

  3. So… how much money have you lost in 2012?

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