Bowling Ball Bounce


Have you ever thrown a bowling ball at a hard surface e.g. cement or black top? It will actually bounce! Albeit, not very high, but it does bounce.  This is the issue with today’s market.  The house of cards that is FB, has crumbled, further stomping my long position in ZNGA. The upside? YELP is seeing some life here, looking to break $20 by the close, yet my cost is still $24. The best news of the day, I am long AAPL, from before their earnings, this is saving me today. Investors decided to take their monies out of the sick social experiment that is FB and reinvest it in the Bank Of Fruits, AAPL.  A standing monument to innovation, consistency, and the most important ingredient in assuring hipsters remain as pale as my IPA’s.  I have made up a significant amount of my losses within today’s session, but am still down from the lows of the “Bull Stampede” from earlier this year. The outlook…

There is a lot of going on this week, there should be some significant news out of Europe, and China has already said it will look to simulate its economy. Whether this is a sick joke where the politicians are using the dips as leverage to sway votes, delegates, etc or if they just want to buy FAZ at low levels is unclear, most likely they are brain dead politicians. It is my belief that this rally does not continue for long, I thought initially that it would be a one day thing, but now I am leaning toward a week, or we rip ’till Thursday then fall off the table on Friday with a pre-weekend sell off. Either way, I will be looking to slowly and incrementally liquidate my positions, even if it means just breaking even. I do not need this stress, and at this point I believe it is best served for individual investors to sit back and observe the madness and chaos, instead of trying to play it. This is an almost unpredictable market, FB much?, so stay alert and stay alive.

EDIT: The best hedge against a volatile market? Get inside the Pelican Room in the 12631 and make sure to check out the PPT, you are seriously limiting yourself if you do not.

P.S. The majority of ‘Merican’s, who don’t manage money, are floating through their day consuming MCD and PEP, fattening themselves to become more significant burdens, this song will educate them.


2 Responses to “Bowling Ball Bounce”

  1. i can’t believe this FB fiasco. I’ve never seen such a high profile IPO just dramatically implode like this in full public view. unreal.


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