A Heart Warming Welcome Back


Well after reading this post from The Fly I guess we plebs in the BN can welcome back Raul3 and Elizamae.  I have to say these gentlemen did not get kicked out of a tabbed blog because of lackluster content, it was just a matter of viewership.  We must admit gaining 3% of traffic doesn’t seem like much, but be of mind that this is going against some of the top bloggers in trading and finance ..no question about it.

I like to read many blogs and scour around and have a large subscription list in Google Reader and I always flock to the iBC portion first.  The posts are consistent and pertain to ongoing market activity.  Those tabbed bloggers of iBC prove that there is more to just writing your thoughts and it truly is an art that I have yet to learn.  It’s not just about content and these other factors come into play:

  • Create a post title that makes the reader want to click and read more
  • Have a theme that loyal readers know will be there consistently (ie. chessNwine’s market recap video, RaginCajun’s small bombs list, etc)
  • Involve some personal stories that gain some insight to the blogger
  • Be active on the social stream to where followers will gain further insight to reading beyond 140 characters
  • Do post some content and be humble, know when you’re wrong and don’t be afraid to share
  • Have some form of proper grammar and know when to space paragraphs to not make things look cluttered
  • Don’t feel like you have to create long blog posts.  This is a fast-paced game and a quick 1 minute read is as good as a 5 minute read

Anyway these are some things that I thought of and I need to learn from as well.  Congrats to Rhino for continuing on and welcome back Elizamae and Raul3.  So you’re back to where you started but at least you made it further than others that were looking.  You garnered attention with front page attention and your content is still solid.  Either way, hope you get that set of steak knives (no-Miracle Blade II)

8 Responses to “A Heart Warming Welcome Back”

  1. HAHA, well said dude.

  2. Thanks redman

  3. Thanks.

    My steak knives have yet to arrive, but I do hear that they are in transit.

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