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Alternative Energy

During the last few days I have been noticing some underlying strength in alternative energy. If the market can regain its footing here, it’s only a matter of time before the sector catches some juice. One of note, which has been popping up on numerous screens, is $BWEN– a wind energy company. I will be taking a position in the name on further strength:

I will also be watching $YGE & $SOL, both above their 50 day MA’s, which serves as an excellent exit point should the market continue lower.

And for the gentlemen of The PPT, don’t forget to search the small bomb screen located inside the blueprint. Always some good finds, especially in a turn around situation.

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Next Stop 3.0

It is amazing how accurate The PPT hybrid score has been. The bounce today should be no surprise as it was written by The PPT laws. It’s almost unbelievable, I swear it’s like a $TNA party ovah there.

The PPT community is growing and the talent level in the community board room, aka user notes, is incredible.

I have not done much since buying SSO after the blood this morning, and plan to take it off when we hit oversold hybrid levels, the magic 3.0. The new OS/OB tools added this month are a must see for newcomers, soon I will do a video displaying the godliness.

For those interested in The PPT, give it a shot, it is well worth the price of admission.

Cheers! Hammers all around.

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Market Leaders

$GOOG 5yr:

Looks like it’s headed for $400

$GS 5yr:

Watch the $132 level


Nice bear flag has me thinking $ERY

Even though we are oversold and sitting on a major support level in the overall market, I’m still leaning to more weakness in the overall market.

Oh, and let’s not forget $FCX, one of ChessNwine’s favorite tells:

Enough said.

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iPhone4 vs HTC Evo

[youtube:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FL7yD-0pqZg 600 400]

Hat tip @ Fook

Should we get a huge market decline, I will make $AAPL a #1 position.

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