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NYC lived up to the hype, AND MORE. It is a place full of inspiration, a place full of history, and a place full of fuck you money. Upon arriving, Mrs. Cajun and I hit the ground running, visiting Times Square, Central Park, Wall Street, China Town, & The Empire State Building. We had very little time and much to do, we didn’t get to see half of what we had planned, but it was still a great visit.

Chuck Bennett was our tour guide for most of the trip, and he sure lived up to his name. A big thanks to him and The Fly for being great hosts. I could go on some more, but Woodshedder did a great job summarizing the weekend. I had a great time meeting all of you guys.

And, for those of you wondering, Mrs. Cajun left no stone unturned, this is just a small sample of her epic shopping spree:


Back to banking coin.

My watchlist is full of golden opportunities, and if the bull shows his horns tomorrow, we have the possibility of an epic week in the making. A few things to note: Auto part makers have been on fire. $CAAS reports in the am, so watch for continued strength in the group. FSYS is ranked #3 in The PPT, and I like $JCI, $WATG, & $TEN (beauty of a chart) on strength.

We also have a bunch of solar companies reporting throughout the week, so keep an eye on the group. $ENER has the best setup, and the stock is cheap (disclaimer: I am long).

I have tons of stocks on my watchlist, so rather than posting charts, I will list them below. Every stock listed below should be cherished like a gold brick, a bunch of these can and will BTFO.


Be sure to follow along inside The PPT, it will be an epic week. iBankCoin.

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I’m Outta Here

My Cajun ass will be making its way up to the big apple, which should be an adventure in itself. It will be my first time in NY, and looking forward to a few slices of Pizza, AND MORE.

Mrs. Cajun has yet to fly on a plane, as she has been enjoying county living her whole life, but that is about to change. We have plans to stimulate NY’s economy single-handedly as we pass through 5th Avenue.

I have little time and much to do, so do not expect much around these parts in the coming days. However, I will leave you with another gold brick, take a look at an RC special, $AONE. I am long a boatload and have no worries being away from my trading desk. I have full confidence that the stock will “BTFO” which in turn will leave me with more coin for Mrs. Cajun’s egregious spending habits.

See you guys next Tuesday.

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More Charts

Oil is headed back to the April highs, near $87– 5 points away. The PPT shows two major integrated oil CVX & COP in the top 10. Funny thing is, a lot of independent oils have yet to move, but I think that changes very soon.

Did anyone notice the volume in $HK today? I did, as I am long the stock, and I also noticed $SGY having a monster quarter and dabbled in after hours to snag a position. Here is the chart (note: price now above resistance after earnings report):

For you low volume (risky) traders, if nat gas starts moving, take a look at $CHNG:

A bunch of guys here, on The PPT, & on twitter made a boat load of coin on $GSI. @ChessNWine brought it to my attention first so I will give him the hat tip. Let’s keep an eye on another Chinese steel company, $CPSL:

I had high hopes for alternative energy, particularly solar, after the $SOLF report this am, but traders faded the move, #disappointingindeud. But, I still believe the alt. energy is a space worth watching here. One name in particular I’m watching is lithium battery maker $AONE, keep it on your radar:

And, I leave you with one chart, the $SPY. Looks pretty damn bullish to me, also easy to manage with the 200 day moving average below.

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High Volume / High Hybrid

Here is a simple screen I put together inside The PPT that lets me know what is moving on a daily basis, based on volume and daily hybrid change:

Here is a narrowed search that list the top 1000 stocks:

PPT members can view this screen anytime inside The Blueprint.

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Price Patterns

We will start with the financials, let’s take a look at the $XLF.

Looks pretty bullish to me. Within the financials, I like $FITB, $ETFC, $COF, $MS, $PNC, $SUSQ, & $WL

And Let’s here it for an American Company, $F is ready to BTFO:

Technology also looks great, take a look at a few names.

$RIMM’s new line is being announced in the am, stock looks good above $59. (disclaimer: long calls)



$CRM now above $100:


Also, keep an eye on the auto part maker, $CAAS

And, check out CSKI:

Note: Here are a few small cap charts worth noting: $SIRI, $YRCW, & TRMA

Feel free to add to the my list in the comment sections.

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ETFC: Long Idea

I won’t say much on this name, because I have been dead wrong the past few months, but nonetheless I still hold and the chart looks great. I added to my position on Friday, noted in PPT.

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