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Transportation on Watch

The Trannies are near BTFO levels, keep an eye on this:

We are seeing early signs of breakouts from individual transport stocks, ie. $DRYS, & $LUV I think more will follow, keep an eye on the group.

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STP: Long Idea

Here is one of the few longs I still own, in my opinion, it has a high probability to “BTFO.” The stock is easy to manage here with the 50 day right below, set your stop right under $9.23.


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I just sold a boatload of longs, and am not done selling. I will be selling positions throughout the day, including long term positions in my IRA. I want a heavy cash position going into the weekend, I want a clear mind, and I want to celebrate victory by smoking cigars while watching Wall Street II.

For details on my sales, be sure to visit The PPT. And, don’t forget to pick a stock for our VXX Halloween contest, place your pick in the comment section in last night’s post.

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VXX Halloween Contest

Be the first one to own, well second to own (the first is reserved for Scott B), a VXX Halloween costume. The great folks here at iBC are giving away 10 free VXX costumes just in time for trick or treating. So how do you win?

Well, we will handle this like gentlemen and have a stock picking duel. Highest percentage gain wins, which means that the top 10 people will win a VXX costume.

Here are the rules: No stocks under $10 and No ETFs. Contest will begin Monday morning (9/27) and will end October 15th. Let the games begin.

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