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Education 4TW

Education stocks had a nice move today, and I’m looking for some follow through tomorrow. The group is still heavily shorted, and ripe for a squuze, keep an eye on a few of these names:

$LOPE: Needs to retake the 200 day moving average:




Hat tip to the fine gentlemen in The PPT, rcaccappolo & deberts, for bringing the group to my attention. The sector is still a battle zone, but further strength could ignite a squeeze– just something to monitor.

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Foreign banks ripped yesterday, I’m looking for more to follow. I bought $BPOP @ 2.87:

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Too Busy To Brag

This has been one of the funnest markets to game. When I get bored, I buy garbage, then I wake up with more coin, then I repeat.

I have earned this right to play with fire, and chase alpha, as I have knocked the cover off the ball for the last month.  Don’t believe me, just ask the gentlemen in The PPT, their pockets are overflowing as well.

More of my garbage went out at the highs of the day, so I will continue to act as a hoarder.

At the juncture, if you are not up huge the last few weeks, I do not recommend following my trades. Because, I am still shooting for the stars. Any day now, this pile of shit we call the market, is going to crumble, and there will be losses. But, that’s why I never leave home without at least some VXX on my chest.

Off to do more work.

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