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WFC: Long Idea

Love it on strength:

Chess has a great video inside 12631 noting the bullish action in the $XLF. A lot of good ideas being thrown around in the pelican  room, you guys need to come check us out. Still long the $BANR.

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BANR: Long Idea

I’m anticipating a brerakout above the 50 day MA in $BANR. I bought a position in anticipation of the move. Fly noted in The PPT to watch the regionals  here, and with the strength in financials this morning, I think it goes. Keep it on watch.

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Stock Of The Year 2011

Welcome to the 4th Annual stock of the year tournament here at iBC. This is your chance to claim your fame and prove you stock picking ability amongst gentlemen.

The rules are as follows: Highest % gainer wins, stocks must be above $10/share, and no duplicate picks. The contest will be limited to 100 contestants and is on a first come first serve basis. Your starting price will be determined by the close of the last trading day in 2010.

To enter, simply leave a comment on this post with your pick.

Good luck & let the games begin!

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Stock of the Year Update

Here are the leaders going into the final two week. Click here for link

Sunday night we will we start the contest for 2011. Get your picks ready, it will be on a First come first serve basis– limit 100 contestants, stocks must be over $10.

Off to buy things on $AMZN.

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Swine Flu: BCRX & SVA

I’ve seen a few notes on swine flu lately, if we see a few more headlines hit the tape, here are my two favorite plays:

$BCRX, (I bought some this morning on the breakout):

$SVA, Waiting for volume to make my entry:

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Bottom Fishing

The bottom fishing screen inside The PPT has been pretty accurate at catching inflection points. There are a few things to note after running tonight’s screen:

1.) We have a few inverse ETFs popping up, not a good sign.

2.) $UUP, the bullish dollar ETF, is making a turn, not a good sign for stocks.

3.) Investors are running for yield, defensive plays, like $GIS & $K.

It easy to get bullish with Santa here, but it may be time to go eat a Sandwich and spend some time with love ones. I’m not saying the Santa Rally is gone, but it may be time to take some risk off the table.

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