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Regionals In Play

Setups can be found all over the Regional Bank arena. I took positions in two names today $RF & $HAFC, and will continue to watch the industry for breakout plays. Fly likes the industry going forward, and seems to think we will see more M&A within the industry. Keep an eye on the banks.










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Waiting For This Dog to Drop

To hedge a few of my longs, I own a few puts in $BIDU. Should we get a correction in the coming weeks, this one should drop like a rock. Keep it on watch:

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RC Moves To Third Place

In an unprecedented move, RC moves ahead of JakeGint with 4 day left in the stock of the year contest. Who will take the #1 spot?

Here’s part of my watchlist going into Tuesday’s session. Note: This is what you get every night in 12631 as well as a CSV file with my full watchlist that is easily imported into your ThinkorSwim software.

I’m finding a lot of setups in the small cap arena,  should be another fun power period trading day. See you guys at the bell.

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Long/Short Ideas

I have a bunch of long/short ideas inside our trading room 12631. Here are two that I will be looking to trade tomorrow:

$MS, looking to buy strength:

$TIE, looking to short on weakness:

I hope everyone had a great Christmas, mine was similar to the movie Four Christmases. I was everywhere. But, I finally got a chance to watch Wall Street 2 for the first time, 2 thumbs up, even Mrs. Cajun enjoyed it. See you guys at the open.

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We Are In The Power Period

There are a few times a year we see the Small Cap Power Period, and one of those times is here. The wife did a great job of explaining a topic that was first discussed in The PPT, and now currently all the rage in 12631. If you have not read it yet, check it out here. And, if your not a member of The PPT or 12631, do so here (best Christmas present one could buy).

If the power period does indeed hold true this year, will you be ready?

Now on to some charts. Here are a few speculative names that I am in as of this week, they all look great.

$VISN: Chinese Advertising

$TRID: Develops circuits for digital televisions.

$BWEN: Wind Energy

Merry Christmas!

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