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ABombs Screen

Here is one of my favorite screens inside The PPT. The screen searches for stock between $5-$10 with a high change in it’s hybrid score. Here are today’s results:

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Who Will Advance To The Next Round?

The March Madness tournament is underway and many traders are off to a rough start due to the unexpected gap down we saw on Tuesday. Regarless of who is in the negative, all it takes in this game is to have a higher percentage score than your opponent. The following week, winners advance to the next round and scores reset, so everyone is on a level playing field again.

I felt good about coming into the first round with $SDS after how extended we were, but I’m up against a tough opponent, $CLR. I hoping for a pullback in oil related names tomorrow so that I can ensure victory in the first round.

Let’s look to my blogging colleagues and see where they stand. The Fly needs $BWLD to catch a bounce or $JOE to finally bite the bullet, he’s only down by a little less than 2% so anyting can still happen.

ChessNwine, my partner in iBCs trading room #12631, is in a heated battle with Chivo. $MELI vs. $WYNN. He’s only down by a percent so it’s still anybody’s game.

Woodsheeder looks to have an easy victory as his opponent is down 10%, looks like the PDS system will be advancing.

It’s no surprise that Jake has a healthy lead with his beloved $SLW, looks like an easy win.

Robert looks to be on the right side of the trade as he took a short in an airline. This might be the biggest upset in the tourney as everyone thought iBC regular, MrKCbill, would advance with his pick in $GOOG.

Mr. Cain is all over his opponent and could take the 4th quarter off if he wanted to, an easy win.

And, the infamous Alphadawg, a premium blogger in The PPT, is in a close battle with his pick $VECO, this one will be a nail bitter.

You can view the brackets here, be sure to check in tomorrow at the close to see who will advance to the next round.

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More Oil Please

Oil & Gas names absolutely ripped today, especially small oil names. Once again some of my favorite PPT screens were littered with Oil & Gas names, with $CRK showing up on just about every screen I ran. So we will start there.

$CRK, I like it above today’s high with an expected move up to $28

$MMR: You could buy it here anticipating a breakout with a stop under Tuesday’s low.

$MHR: I am buying this one above the 50 day moving average

$BRNC: Starting to flag out here, watch for a breakout.

$MILL: I like it above the 200 day

$OAS, gave a good showing in my PPT screens, basing out here, like it on strength.

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Small Bombs & Bottom Fishing

One of my favorite screens inside The PPT is the small bombs screen. Tonight’s results varied from the normal 30 selections, to only a handful, go figure. However, there is a theme to the select few on the list, small oil. Here are tonight’s results: HERO, BQI, & TIV. Given the action in $BDCO today, I say some of these names are worth a look. My fav, $BQI:

Note: Here is a screen I use when trying to time inflection points, the bottom fishing screen. Normally, when this screen starts poulating inverse ETFs it’s time to take caution. Granted, the same thing happened with the whole Egypt situation, so take it for what’s it’s worth:

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March Madness Contestants Please Read

The 3rd annual March madness tournament starts tomorrow. I need all contestants to double check their picks to make sure everything is correct. Also, if you gave me a pick under $5 you must email me at ibc.cajun at gmail.com and change your selection. However, if you gave me a pick over $5, and it fell under, you are ok. Please check to make sure you have not duplicated another pick as well.

Check Brackets here.

Note: There is still time to enter the contest PPT members. We are trying to finalize a forth bracket, but in order to do so we need more picks. If you have yet to pick your stock do so right here.

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