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Ready for Monday

I bought a bunch of trash today with the intentions of selling most of it on Monday. My favorite out of the dumpster is [[FNSR]], and I plan to ride this one much higher. The Fly brought my attention to the name, and the chart looks BEAUTIFUL. I’ve also noticed that Telco’s are heating up, FNSR looks like a win win.

My biggest winner today was [[SOLF]] thanks to the great folks at CNBC. I also took a position in [[CSIQ]]. We have a few more solar companies reporting next week so I anticipate another jump higher Monday morning, and them I’m out.

It was a beautiful week for The Cajun, but nothing compares to the news I heard early this morning.

Stay tuned….

Chalk up another win for iBC.

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CNBC Challenge

Can it make you money?

Earlier this week I almost took a position in [[BBI]] for two reasons. First, Notable calls had a good note on it. Second, CNBC was claiming it was the most widely held name in their challenge. After reading the second reason, one might think this is absurd, but I remember a lot of names running in correlation with CNBC’s game.

I was hesitant to take a position in BBI and missed the small run it had. However, earlier today CNBC mentioned [[SOLF]] was a widely held name. This time I said, “What the hell, let me take some down.” Sure enough a few minutes later, I was up a quick buck.

This probably means nothing, it might just be because everything I touch turns to gold, but it is something I will monitor. I may put the most widely held names on the screener just to see if I notice anything.

Update: Make that $2 bucks on [[SOLF]]

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