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Long(er) Silver – Bought AGQ

Okay, I had to step in to the silver market today, taking a leveraged ETF play with AGQ.

I’ve owned silver, more or less continuously, since 2009 – in the physical form.

But every now and again I also leverage up the play with moves in the financial products. Now is just one such time.

Silver is a component of my 9th floor. I’ve used it in the limestone stucca that adorns my walls. I used it in the mortar to build the very foundation of the room itself. It’s a staple, because it is so undervalued, I can off the back of my hand say “silver is undervalued” at any time of the day, and probably be right.

I got into AGQ for $41.77. This is just for a trade.

The Fed is printing another trillion dollars, and the debt crises of the world are nowhere near the halfway mark yet.

Mull that over, why don’t you…

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