Joined Jan 1, 1970
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Obligatory Political Post: The Case Against Obama, Part I

What?  You thought we’d go the whole month without me wielding the saw- toothed political blade of many salty and invasive incisions?    Dream on, non-committed independents and house-bound sofa leeches, for I am the King, and I shall take license.  

 ”Kill all the rich people. Break up their cars and apartments. Bring the revolution home, kill your parents, that’s where it’s really at.”  — William Ayers, spoiled rich kid, commie, and terrorist asshat

(Aside — Not bad for a terrorist bomb thrower, no?  She [Bernadine Dohrn]  was considered by the FBI in the early 70’s to be “the most dangerous woman in America” Ha-cha-chaa!)

Today’s topic will focus on newly Democratic Party-nominated Celebrity Ingenue Barack Obama’s relationship with this Silver Spoon, Ricky Schroeder-Gone-Bad Asshat, William Ayers, otherwise knows as the “el Capitan” leader, along with his wife(!), Bernadine Dohrn of the early seventies dirty hippy commie terrorist group, “The Weathermen.”   And to be clear, we are talking about real terrorists, here, people — with bombs, and killing people and shit.  Just not so much with the bhurkas or checkered scarves.

Of course the main take away from this post (and your review of the video below) should leave you questioning “the Obamessiah’s” judgment with regard to his close association with these people, among many others who have helped build his political career within the Chicago Machine.  For that reason, you will hear a lot about these commie scumbags in the coming months, I’m sure. 

  But after that, the real question in my book should really come down to, “Why the fuck aren’t these two asshats rotting in jail, their only hot meal a daily bowl of steam?”   Because that very question is finally being bandied about again,  I thank Obama for bringing these evil fuckers back to the “Ignonimous Surface” via his goofy “People Magazine” celebrity campaign which — as you know —  leaves people “tingling to know more!”

I mean, here’s the deal — Ayers & Dohrn admitted complicity in a number of bombings and various plots against the Pentagon, the police, and even a bunch of innocuous Army sergeants at a dance.  Some of these plots led to the deaths of innocents, and some  led to deaths within their own group, thanks largley (thank the gods) to their own incompetence. 

In one particularly hilarios episode, a group of Ayers-Dohrn’s thumb-fingered compatriots in Greenwich Village set out to put together a nail bomb to blow up the aforementioned Fort Dix, NJ non-commissioned officers dance — nice huh?  Luckily, the fools only blew their own unshowered hippy selves up, forgetting that the red wire should never be crossed with the blue wire.  Enjoying hell, hippy dumbfucks?  Send us a postcard.

Ayers himself only escaped imprisonment thanks to that friend of criminals everywhere “the legal technicality,” and an (allegedly) bleeding heart liberal judge.  Ironically, it was a wiretapping mishap.  Fucking Hoover must’ve been pricing dressed that day.  Ayers jigged out as a result, thumbing his nose at The Man (see quote below),  whilst his hottie bride did seven months.

So be it,  Ayers and Dohrn skated on minimal to no time, but you’d think they’d be cossetted hermits, now right?  Maybe living in a cave and dwelling on the shame and regret of their mispent murderous youth?

 Nope.  Not quite.  Actually, today they are upper level movers and shakers in the Chicago Liberal Establishment.  Ayers is actually a TENURED professor at Northwestern, while today Dohrn is a top gun for the Chicago Bar Association.   These days, while not regaling starry eyed New York Times reporters of their action filled pasts,  they spend Ayer’s inherited dough throwing parties for up and coming Illinois liberal hot shots like Obama.   Their bombing and shooting victims?  Still dead as of the date of this posting.

What’s most galling, however, is that they are totally unrepentant with regard to their past.   I won’t go on much more, but will leave you with two quotes (plus a summary vid).  The first is from right after Ayers’ acquittal, and the second more recently — right before 9/11, ironically enough:

Guilty as hell, free as a bird—America is a great country,”

“I don’t regret setting bombs” and “I feel we didn’t do enough”,  (note the DATE of this article! — ed.)

Oh, did I also mention that this avowed communist (Ayers) is also the son of the former CEO of Chicago’s Commonwealth Edison?  (What? You thought he got Dohrn in the sack with via his “kickin’ Freddy Mercury” stash alone? )Spare the rod, anyone?  Of course, who wants to associate with poor terrorists anyway, right Barry?

 This is a world gone crazy, I tend to think sometimes.  But maybe we’ll wake up from our torpor one of these days, and hold leftist terrorists as accountable for their bloody actions as the righty nuts who bomb abortion clinics.   But for now, at least, let’s hope we can keep these two away from the levers of power, or farther away than they’ve been with the Obermeister recently.  

These are dangerous times.  There’s no time to be “fucking around with communism” as a hobby, no disrespect to Dino and the four loyal housebound liberals that attend to his blog, slavishly. 

[For your viewing pleasure, I’ve included the following short vid on Barry Obama’s patrons, the Mayhem Twin (and no, it’s not “the commercial” he’s suing about)] :

[youtube:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VNkclbvuc9w 450 300] [youtube:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rxoiZdBSi-g&feature=related 450 300]


Ciao for now.







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  1. chivasontherocks

    nice post Jake.

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  2. McCarthy

    Good post, Jake. Warmed my heart.

    Did you see this? Interesting Ayers commentary on progressive education from ’06.


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  3. DPeezy

    I think I missed the part with the actual ‘politics’ in it…would you care to point it out for me? Cause all I see is a bunch of angry words against some (admittedly once bad) dudes who happen to like Obama?

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  4. Mr. Feltersnatch
    Mr. Feltersnatch

    Great post, now thats change we can believe in. I watched part of the convention and I do not understand how there can be that many fucked up whiny pieces of shit in this world. Everyone was crying on TV when they offically made fuckhead Obama the DNC candidate. It was so gay my butt hurt just watching it.


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  5. Debra

    I totally agree Mr Glint. I would never support the ritual destruction of innocent life for political purposes. Exactly why I’ll be voting Obama.

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  6. Juice

    No worries Jake. H. L. Menckens famous quote – “No one ever went broke underestimating the intelligence of the American people”, will likely put our next man in the White House.

    Just curious: How many parts of ‘The Case against Obama’, can we look forward to?

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  7. Don
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  8. Debra
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  9. JakeGint

    I should have known I’d have to spell it out for the dumber commentators who just “don’t get it.”

    The position of President requires judgment, hence a fairly rigourous (sic) “vettting process” is in place.

    To make it clearer for you commies, think about your party’s treatment of any Republican judicial nominee over the last thirty plus years, and the fog may begin to lift.

    Granted, I’m not saying Obama is as wacked out as Ayers or Reverend Wright, or even that he was as willfully corrupt as his major patron and “house helper” Tony Rezko, convicted felon. I’m only making the point that he was willing to not only befriend these low life skells, but also to use their influence to jump start his political career in a very left leaning district that required Hard Left bona fides for “acceptance.”

    This not only illustrates a frightening sense of amorality and worldview in the Chosen One, but a severe lack of judgment as well. Did he think doing deals with Old Scratch and lying down with this human filth would not eventually redound upon his career? What other mistakes in judgment could we expect from him?

    Who is the real Barack Obama, after all? Since he’s morphing in front of our eyes (I expect some of our hard left commenters have noticed), all we can do is review his past actions. I intend to continue.


    Juice, as you might expect from the header, there will be more than one.


    DPeez, I apologize to you, as the original video I had was a lot more informative with regard to the relationship between BA and the Ayers-Dohrns, and a lot less junky as well. For some reason it refused to post last night, so I had to sub in this inferior product. I will try to find the original and replace it.

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  10. JakeGint

    Addenda: I expect “McCarthy” is Ottnott, Dinosaur Communist or some other symp.

    Of course, this fits a pretty typical Lefty prototype: if the message about Barack’s political intimates and trustafarian cronies is true, and there’s no crabwalking away from it, screech “McCarthyism!” and hope you can distract the dimmer minds with some “hide the ball.”

    At least we got the asshat to stop denigrating Holocaust victims with the cheap Godwin’s Law violations. Perhaps that much is “progress.”


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  11. RON PAUL


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  12. Pudfucker

    Charles Krauthammer had the best line of the night when he observed after President Clinton’s speech endorsing Obama, “nobody can fake sincerity better than Bill Clinton.”

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  13. boca

    hahaha the Google ad on the sidebar for this page is for Moveon.org and it says to get your Obama stickers.

    You’re going to end the month with a bang with this topic, Jake. I’d love to see some specific discussion from the politically oriented commenters about predictions for the effect on the stock market if McCain wins vs if Obama wins.

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  14. Belmont Ave

    Good article from the National Review for the asshats who don’t get it – aka ‘on your knees dpeezy’

    “Obama supporters risibly complain that shining a light on the Obama/Ayers relationship is a “smear” and smacks of “guilt by association.” A presidential candidate’s choice to associate himself with an unrepentant terrorist would be highly relevant in any event — does anyone think the Obamedia would keep mum if John McCain had a long-standing relationship with David Duke or an abortion-clinic bomber?”

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  15. JakeGint

    Pud — that is a verity. We should all take some time to watch Bill Clinton speak at every opportunity. The guy is a fucking master, perhaps even “The” Master. Seriously, I have no love for the man (although I give him props for NAFTA), but he literally could be the best pure politician of the last 50-100 years. Talent “oozing from every pore.”


    Boca — Seriously, I think the market is fucked no matter who gets in, at least short-intermediate term.

    I believe the market has been taking “the Obama discount” out of the market, due to a combo of his dropping poll numbers and his backing away from that massive cap gains tax increase (fucking moron, doesn’t he have advisors?). That said, if McCain picks Lieberman, or a RINO, look for that discount to come back, quickly.

    If McCain takes conservative Veep, he’ll keep the base, and has a better chance in November, and the market should respond to that. That said, if the Bush tax cuts are left in limbo or look DOA even with McCain in office, the market has no excuse to rally. So short to intermediate, we are probably okay to late October, early November if McCain looks like a lock, but afterwards, “Le Deluge” as that crafty old French bastard once said.


    A shout out to my Belmont Ave homies! Don’t be too hard on DPeez, he’s young, and I’m sure he’s got plenty of learning ahead of him. He’s willing to listen, at least.


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  16. TraderCaddy

    You know what they say about young voters (in college or just out). If you are not a liberal when young (in college or just out) then you have no heart but if you are not a conservative when you are older and working for a living then you have no brain.

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  17. chivasontherocks


    any thoughts about the symbolism of this if any?


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  18. JakeGint

    This is just pure funny, and not really political at all. Whomever this guy doing the Barack impersonation is, he’s got the voice down to near perfection. Not so much with the Bill Clinton imitator:


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  19. JakeGint


    I was going to add that in last night, but I figured I’d not add to the pig pile.

    Just more nutty symbolism that’s going to have most of America going “whaaa?”


    In the meantime, the same type of poster as “McCarthy” above, was doing there level best to stifle the Ayers news in Chicago, too.

    The same people who claim they’ve had their rights to “dissent” stifled under Bush are the greatest of closet fascists in the end. Odd, no?

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  20. DPeezy

    Thank you, ‘Belmont Ave’ for linking an obviously non-biased source for your non-biased Obama article. Hold on, let me go find an article in a liberal magazine and show that to you as the ultimate truth. Schmuck.


    The way I see it…this Ayers guy committed some admittedly radical acts of violence 40(!) years ago. Because the prosecutors fucked up, he walks free, unrepentant. Yes, he’s a reprehensible man.

    Yet, he’s a ‘well respected’ member of the Chicago community. People, the mayor included, listen to his opinions. Whatever, they may be all delusional. It’s their business.

    Along comes Obama, serves on a 9 member board with this guy for 3 years; they meet once a quarter to discuss whatever the board is tasked with. This ends in 2002, and Ayers donates a whopping $200 to Obama’s Senate campaign.

    Previously, in the 90’s, Obama was hosted in Ayers’ home as his political career was starting out…and this is surprising how? Ayers, as pointed out before was/is an influential and respected member of the Chicago community; Obama correctly piggybacked on him to get his face out there.

    But in the whole scheme of things, I still fail to see how any of this matters. This still isn’t politics, it’s just an absurd sideshow, similar to how people make a big deal out of Bush’s partying days, McCain’s age, or Clinton’s womanizing.

    If you’re voting, vote based on the candidates’ stand on the various issues, not his celebrity status or his war record or any other frivolous side detail.

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  21. JakeGint

    It’s not a sideshow, Peezy, it goes directly to the radical — deeply radical– recent associations from which Barack has been trying to distance himself.

    These associations are all the more important because we don’t know the guy and he’s trying to cast himself as a blank slate. We ought to know him better.

    Fact is, you are not getting a “centrist” here, but one of the most hard Left candidates relative to the American polity since McGovern ran in the early seventies (when Ayers was blowing shit up and murdering people, btw).

    It would be one thing if Ayers had “mellowed” to a typical asshat Democrat, but he has not. He’s still a (true) radical communist, and to all intents, still unrepentant about his bomb throwing then, and today.

    That Barack did not have a problem with any of that (or Wright, or Reznik, etc, etc) gives me a problem with Barack outside of the typical arguments I have with “regular” Democrats.

    PS — lay off my homey Belmont Ave. He really IS my homey, and besides, try reading the article before dismissing it. If there are facts you’d like to dispute, by all means, lets hear them.


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  22. Juice


    Congressman Ron Paul says there is ‘no difference’ between US presidential candidates, Democrat Barack Obama and Republican John McCain.

    The former Republican presidential candidate said that the two candidates are both threats to the US national interests.

    “We create the threats! Why are we on the borders of Russia provoking the Russians? I mean, the Georgians initiated the military attack against these enclaves where there were mostly Russians… It’s a fact that we’re over there that we create these crises.”

    When asked if he endorses any of the candidates, Paul replied, “I’ve endorsed neither one and we will not endorse either the two top candidates.”

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  23. JakeGint

    Sour grapes, Ron.

    You get more “flies” with honey than with vinegar.

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  24. DPeezy

    I’m not disputing any facts, Jake. In fact, I laid them all out in my post. I’m disputing that any of this really matters. You say it does, I say it doesn’t. Let’s call it a draw.

    I’m sure the Obama campaign will unearth some esoteric flaws in McCain’s character and/or past and will make a huge deal out of them. And it will be just as ugly and nonsensical as this issue.


    Obama may be ‘far left’ in the USA, but in the overall world view, there’s really not that much different between him and McCain.

    And the only reason I lean slightly towards Obama is because I believe the world will respond more favorably towards us if he wins. After 8 years of Bush, we need somebody who is liked and respected by other countries. Obama also doesn’t put me to sleep when he talks or weirds me out with his laugh/smile.

    By the way, nice move by McCain to get a WOMAN vp. Something to think about for all those Hilary supporters…

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  25. Employee8

    and if something happens to McCain, can’t wait for the Palin – Putin confrontations … take that to bed Nov 3rd, how comforting!

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  26. Employee8


    “You know what they say about young voters (in college or just out). If you are not a liberal when young (in college or just out) then you have no heart but if you are not a conservative when you are older and working for a living then you have no brain.”

    You could’ve added: and when you stop working and are retired if you don’t become more moderate you’ve lost that heart and brain.

    Kinda full circle if ya know what I mean.

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  27. JakeGint

    Employee 8 — you are obviously a guilt ridden asshat. Toughen up, softie.

    Were you the 8th employee at Microsoft? That would make sense. Don’t let your guilt ruin the world. Take up knitting or something.

    And why would you think Sarah Palin, who’s running for Veep, not POTUS, would be any worse with Putin than that Marxist marshmallow you’ve got running for President?

    History means nothing to asshat liberals, I swear to Christmas.

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  28. Employee8

    I don’t have anyone running for president of my liking … nice try!

    Ya know Jake … you’re a bigger asshat than I thought if you’d be comfortable voting for a 72 yr old man with heart & cancer histories that picks this untested small town/state politician to fill his shoes in the event of a catastrophy. Christ, what some people won’t convince themselves of as long as it’s to their own benefit.

    Guilt ridden??? Only a tough guy would go head to head with you on this platform … not too many attempt or even bother cuz it’s such a waste of effort.

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  29. Employee8

    History? Here’s some history; Agnew, Quayle, Ferraro, Stockdale …. Just saying

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  30. JakeGint

    Employee, it’s certainly a waste of effort on your part.

    Unless you were making an effort to portray yourself as a malinformed Rube.

    In that case, your “effort” was well worth it.

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  31. Belmont Ave

    I was in the room here one day… watchin’ the Mexican channel on TV. I don’t know nothin’ about Pele. I’m watchin’ what this guy can do with a ball and his feet. Next thing I know, he jumps in the air and flips into a somersault and kicks the ball in – upside down and backwards… the goddamn goalie never knew what the fuck hit him. Pele gets excited and he rips off his jersey and starts running around the stadium waving it around his head. Everybody’s screaming in Spanish. I’m here, sitting alone in my room, and I start crying.
    That’s right, I start crying. Because another human being, a species that I happen to belong to, could kick a ball, and lift himself, and the rest of us sad-assed human beings, up to a better place to be, if only for a minute… let me tell ya, kid – it was pretty goddamned glorious. It ain’t the six minutes… it’s what happens in that six minutes.

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  32. knowledge is power
    knowledge is power

    SEX! SEX! PALIN, OBAMA not qualified? Jake, add this one to your list of cons. Snopes seems to think this is FALSE, however:
    The following is an article from the July 7, 2008, issue #27 from ‘The American Free Press’ Newspaper, an article by Assistant editor, Pat Shannon.

    ‘It now appears that Barack Obama is constitutionally ineligible for the office of president. John McCain’s eligibility was established in 1964, when courts ruled Sen. Barry Goldwater was eligible although he was born in Arizona when it was a territory, not a state. McCain was born in the Panama Canal Zone when it was a U.S. territory.

    And, even as the controlled media continues to ignore the ineligibility of Obama, it will not go away. While few doubt that the Democrats will manage to pull off his nomination, all remain poised to view the legal performance.

    The first hurdle will be having Obama produce his birth certificate, which so far he has refused to do, and prove that he was born in Hawaii on August 4, 1961,as he has always claimed. There is speculation that his American mother may have brought him to Honolulu shortly after his birth in Kenya , but no proof of that has been shown.

    According to the law on the books at the time of Obama’s birth, the office of president requires that a candidate be a natural citizen if the child was not born to two U.S. citizen parents. Since he was not,should it be proven that Obama was not born in Hawaii , as claimed, he is ineligible without further debate. But assuring that he was born there, he has another problem.

    According to a legal researcher who has contacted the AFP, U.S. law very clearly states: ‘If only one parent is a U.S. citizen at the time of one’s birth, that parent must have resided in the United States for a minimum of 10 years, five of which must be after the age of 16.’ And therein lies Obama’s new problem.

    Barack Obama’s father was never a U.S. citizen.

    Interestingly, there isn’t much paperwork on the marriage of Obama’s parents, and this has a few researchers speculating that it never took place at all. On page 27 of ‘Obama: From Promise to Power’, David Mendell writes: ‘Obama later confessed that he never searched for the government documents on the marriage, although Madelyn (Obama’s maternal grandmother) insisted they were legally married.’ He also notes that Obama’s father apparently was not legally divorced from his first wife back in Kenya at the time, a point of contention that ultimately led to their separation. This also would suggest that there may never have been any legal marriage by Obama’s parents at all, but the Constitution does not ban an illegitimate child from the White House, as long as he was born inside the U.S.

    Obama’s mother was born in Kansas and was only 18 when Obama was born. This means even though she satisfied the citizen requirement for 10 years, she was not a citizen for at least five years prior to Obama’s birth. In essence, the mother alone is not old enough to qualify her son for automatic U.S. citizenship. At most, two years elapsed from his mother turning 16 to the time of Barack Obama’s birth when she was 18. His mother would have needed to have been 16 + 5 = 21 years old at the time of Barack Obama’s birth for him to be a natural-born citizen. Barack Obama was already three years old at the time his mother turned 21.

    Technically, Obama should have been naturalized as a citizen, but that, of course, would disqualify him from holding the office of president. If the allegations are accurate, America could install in January of 2009 a new president who is not even a U.S. citizen, neither born nor naturalized.

    It should be demanded that Obama produce his 1961 Hawaiian birth certificate.

    If he cannot satisfactorily do so, he should be deemed immediately ineligible to hold the office of president.’

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  33. JakeGint


    As much as I dislike the Community Organizer’s socialist plans, and scoff at his lack of executive decision making experience, I would not want to have him tossed on such a silly “technicality.”

    Besides, there are idiots on the other side who are claiming that, because McCain was born in Panama, he’s not legit either.

    Goofy arguments, both, and what’s worse, they take one’s eye off the ball with regard to the real and substantial policy differences between the two.

    Like Sarah, they are “distracting,” but in a bad way, this time. 🙂


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  34. knowledge is power
    knowledge is power

    Sarah will have the attention of everyman with a pulse, whenever and wherever she speaks—Republican, Dem or Independent.

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