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The Case Against Obama – Part II: Celebrity

(Note:Um, yeah, this is an actual Obama support poster, although the blog below it is not, I don’t believe, uhm…  think.)

My last post focusesd on associations with the Radical Left, and they go to the question “Who is the REAL Barack?”  Part of this confusion stems from the fact that there is very little discussion about what this guy really stands for.  Much of that is not really his fault, as he’s a good looking youngish man with an excellent speaking voice.  For many who are easily swayed, and who do not pay attention, this is 80% of the game.  

The fact that the media has gone insane — to a degree that eclipses even the man-love for Bill Clinton in his pre-Monica hey day — does not help matters for helping the voters get a grasp on what Obama stands for.   Of course, he’s also somewhat to blame with regard to some of his recent hard tacks to the right on the War (oops! I guess the Surge did work) and energy issues like drilling.    Still, I hope we are able to discuss his views a little bit more realistically in the coming months, and I beleive the debates will help that process.  

In the meantime, here’s a funny clip from the Jon Stewart’s Daily Show, who’s finally gotten around to poking some harmless fun at the Messianic aspects of the Obama campaign.    I figured this had to happen eventually, btw, as there was (as you will see) too much “comedy gold” to be mined over some of the over-the-top superficial aspects of the process thus far.  Enjoy (for as long as the vid remains viable):

[youtube:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lJEGmBlOTZY 450 300]


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Obligatory Political Post: The Case Against Obama, Part I

What?  You thought we’d go the whole month without me wielding the saw- toothed political blade of many salty and invasive incisions?    Dream on, non-committed independents and house-bound sofa leeches, for I am the King, and I shall take license.  

 ”Kill all the rich people. Break up their cars and apartments. Bring the revolution home, kill your parents, that’s where it’s really at.”  — William Ayers, spoiled rich kid, commie, and terrorist asshat

(Aside — Not bad for a terrorist bomb thrower, no?  She [Bernadine Dohrn]  was considered by the FBI in the early 70’s to be “the most dangerous woman in America” Ha-cha-chaa!)

Today’s topic will focus on newly Democratic Party-nominated Celebrity Ingenue Barack Obama’s relationship with this Silver Spoon, Ricky Schroeder-Gone-Bad Asshat, William Ayers, otherwise knows as the “el Capitan” leader, along with his wife(!), Bernadine Dohrn of the early seventies dirty hippy commie terrorist group, “The Weathermen.”   And to be clear, we are talking about real terrorists, here, people — with bombs, and killing people and shit.  Just not so much with the bhurkas or checkered scarves.

Of course the main take away from this post (and your review of the video below) should leave you questioning “the Obamessiah’s” judgment with regard to his close association with these people, among many others who have helped build his political career within the Chicago Machine.  For that reason, you will hear a lot about these commie scumbags in the coming months, I’m sure. 

  But after that, the real question in my book should really come down to, “Why the fuck aren’t these two asshats rotting in jail, their only hot meal a daily bowl of steam?”   Because that very question is finally being bandied about again,  I thank Obama for bringing these evil fuckers back to the “Ignonimous Surface” via his goofy “People Magazine” celebrity campaign which — as you know —  leaves people “tingling to know more!”

I mean, here’s the deal — Ayers & Dohrn admitted complicity in a number of bombings and various plots against the Pentagon, the police, and even a bunch of innocuous Army sergeants at a dance.  Some of these plots led to the deaths of innocents, and some  led to deaths within their own group, thanks largley (thank the gods) to their own incompetence. 

In one particularly hilarios episode, a group of Ayers-Dohrn’s thumb-fingered compatriots in Greenwich Village set out to put together a nail bomb to blow up the aforementioned Fort Dix, NJ non-commissioned officers dance — nice huh?  Luckily, the fools only blew their own unshowered hippy selves up, forgetting that the red wire should never be crossed with the blue wire.  Enjoying hell, hippy dumbfucks?  Send us a postcard.

Ayers himself only escaped imprisonment thanks to that friend of criminals everywhere “the legal technicality,” and an (allegedly) bleeding heart liberal judge.  Ironically, it was a wiretapping mishap.  Fucking Hoover must’ve been pricing dressed that day.  Ayers jigged out as a result, thumbing his nose at The Man (see quote below),  whilst his hottie bride did seven months.

So be it,  Ayers and Dohrn skated on minimal to no time, but you’d think they’d be cossetted hermits, now right?  Maybe living in a cave and dwelling on the shame and regret of their mispent murderous youth?

 Nope.  Not quite.  Actually, today they are upper level movers and shakers in the Chicago Liberal Establishment.  Ayers is actually a TENURED professor at Northwestern, while today Dohrn is a top gun for the Chicago Bar Association.   These days, while not regaling starry eyed New York Times reporters of their action filled pasts,  they spend Ayer’s inherited dough throwing parties for up and coming Illinois liberal hot shots like Obama.   Their bombing and shooting victims?  Still dead as of the date of this posting.

What’s most galling, however, is that they are totally unrepentant with regard to their past.   I won’t go on much more, but will leave you with two quotes (plus a summary vid).  The first is from right after Ayers’ acquittal, and the second more recently — right before 9/11, ironically enough:

Guilty as hell, free as a bird—America is a great country,”

“I don’t regret setting bombs” and “I feel we didn’t do enough”,  (note the DATE of this article! — ed.)

Oh, did I also mention that this avowed communist (Ayers) is also the son of the former CEO of Chicago’s Commonwealth Edison?  (What? You thought he got Dohrn in the sack with via his “kickin’ Freddy Mercury” stash alone? )Spare the rod, anyone?  Of course, who wants to associate with poor terrorists anyway, right Barry?

 This is a world gone crazy, I tend to think sometimes.  But maybe we’ll wake up from our torpor one of these days, and hold leftist terrorists as accountable for their bloody actions as the righty nuts who bomb abortion clinics.   But for now, at least, let’s hope we can keep these two away from the levers of power, or farther away than they’ve been with the Obermeister recently.  

These are dangerous times.  There’s no time to be “fucking around with communism” as a hobby, no disrespect to Dino and the four loyal housebound liberals that attend to his blog, slavishly. 

[For your viewing pleasure, I’ve included the following short vid on Barry Obama’s patrons, the Mayhem Twin (and no, it’s not “the commercial” he’s suing about)] :

[youtube:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VNkclbvuc9w 450 300] [youtube:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rxoiZdBSi-g&feature=related 450 300]


Ciao for now.







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