With the Ryan announcement as Romney’s VP – Will markets rally Monday?






Obviously Mitt made this choice to energize a rather lackluster GOP constituency who seem to have “settled” on his candidacy as “Not Obama”

Ryan, known for slashing budgets, could be just the thing to ignite a rally Monday – if the markets think he can help push the GOP over the top in November.


6 Responses to “With the Ryan announcement as Romney’s VP – Will markets rally Monday?”

  1. Yogi and Boo Boo

    My prediction? Democrats take back the House, keep the Senate, and Obama wins by a “not close” majority.

    Market rallies next week, because the outcome of the election is a “known” unknown.

    The election of 2016 will be a Clinton-Bush rematch — Jeb vs. Hillary. Jeb will try to rebuild the Republican party as a right of center party, and reach out to minority voters. That election is too close to call. but will be very close and a lot of fun to watch.

    This is the my favorite time of the year. Perfect for political junkies.

  2. The thing that inspires a real market rally is a reduction in the uncertainties surrounding the environment in which capital can be put to work. I don’t think the Ryan choice does much for that at this point, but the market seems to want to rally anyway and will find an excuse to do so if that is the case.

    As for the politics, I have real fear that a second Obama term will unleash a more radical agenda that’s been been kept somewhat sublimated so far. It will be a difficult time for those of us who favor a federal government properly constrained to its Constitutional limits, who resist government mandated redistribution of wealth, government mandated health, health care, and other personal choices, economically devastating government spending and tax increases, the reduction or loss of property rights, and the general diminishment of personal freedom and opportunity that will occur as a result of that agenda. Capitalism and markets will not thrive under such conditions. They may even come after trading with excessive taxes and fees that make it essentially impossible. But if all this comes to pass, then I hope that at least after the smoke clears, Americans will truly remember the damage this socialist experiment causes so that they can live for a prosperous couple of generations or more without having to try that one again.

  3. … did you see Romney introduce Paul Ryan as “The Next President of the United States” ?


    Comedy of Errors !!!

    A “Romney/Ryan Ticket” will be like shooting fish in a barrel !!!

    This is about to git interesting !!!


  4. Not really a comment on the election, but….

    So far, up until now:
    Collectively, when push or cash comes to vote, American people and voters DO NOT want austerity and debt reduction.

    The credit and mood driven consumer consumption orgy reveals the true nature of the masses. Overall, we are hooked on credit and instant gratification.

    And by God, we make certain our bought/elected officials in Washington do the same, on a grande scale befitting our Fine Country.

    To state the obvious:

    We have the World reserve currrency, and “print it” as we desire.

    We have the big stick, and can/will bomb another nation to dust.

    Party on!

  5. Here’s how things could play out:

    1. All voting moves to the Internet.

    2. Since everyone agrees that Internet fraud brings risk, voters must be identified and qualified, meaning voter’s financial records, credit card history, state issued IDs, etc are completely linked to the voter.

    In short order, this will:

    a. Disenfranchise the elderly voting block- BAM no more protection of Social Security necessary!

    b. Once and for all, eliminate US Citizens from voting if they are not participating in the economic system. For example, non-drivers who live a cash based life are not able to vote. It is currently legal to live a cash based life, but give it time…

    C. Introduce a new majority of younger voters, who are most likely voting on their feeling at the moment, popularity, Twitter generation, today’s fad or panic, etc. It is a well known marketing axiom that young people are more inclined to make fast spur of the moment decisions based on BS (advertising). I am not anti- young people, just pointing out that a skewing of the voting majority to easily manipulated and mallable voters will change things.


    Internet only voting blows out a large group of long established voters and brings in millions of easy marks for media and social manipulation.

    Film at 11

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