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Tag Archives: SLW

Gettin’ Silver Highs


Listen up kids, I don’t do drugs.  

No, really.

No, I get high on… silver highs.   New one’s especially.  ‘Fact, I might even OD on breaking all-time highs, but I am doing wind sprints and having my sons jump out of random closets at me “Cato-Clouseau-style” in order to get my adrenaline glands in good condition for the eventuality.

Cause I’m pretty sure it’s coming.   Tonight we have new 31-year highs at $33.12, which is making me very happy.  Mind you I started buying physical silver at about $4.50 an ounce, and have never sold any of it.  That’s over 630% since 2002.  I wish I could say the same for my silver stocks, which I’ve traded perhaps with over-zealous vigour (sic).  In truth, they’ve been even more volatile than the commodity price itself.  

My favorite silver play continues to be the royalty play Silver Wheaton — SLW— which does not dirty its fingernails with crude dirt-scratching but instead secures royalty payment in silver at a certain price in exchange for financing miners.   Would you screech out loud if I told you that SLW had arranged to be paid in silver at the equivalent of less than $5.00 an ounce?   That’s like taking a time machine back to 2002 and rifling the unsuspecting corner numismatic storedfront for less than appreciated 100 oz. ingots, only to return to February 2011 and have them assayed for over $33… and counting.

Can you see why I’m so excited about royalty plays?  They are, in fact, leverage for the leveraged price of the precious metal, as that is what the miners do — they allow one leverage on an increasing precious metal price.  The royalty play is one step higher up the chain of amped return.  Is there risk of default and other mining related problems?  Of course, but like a bank, a diversified portfolio will absorb some of that volatility.  

 Remember this SLW  chart from a couple of weeks ago?   The two arrows are the places where I’ve made recent buys.  We’re still not back to our old December highs, but I think we’ll be there, maybe as soon as this week.  

 Royal Gold — RGLD — is another royalty play, this time on the gold side, and with an even more diversified portfolio than SLW.   That’s another Jacksonian you want to own.

I also like EXK, AGQ (be careful with this one), PAAS, MVG, SVM, AG, CDE (small), and SSRI.  Another great catch all for all of these (or most) is SIL, the silver miner ETF. 

For gold, the old standards, ANV, EGO, RGLD, IAG, GDX, GDXJ, NGD  are recommended, and newcomers IVN and AAU to taste.  I continue to believe also that the rare earth metals will resume their volatile climbs, and I like AVL and QSURD best.

Nothing going on in the U.S. stock markets tomorrow, but the precious metal, U.S. dollar and futures markets should be fun.  Ciao for now.


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Shocked! Shocked!

Rick's Cafe 

Wholesale prices were up almost a full percent in January, I cannot imagine why.

Despite the dollar being somewhat oddly surge-ish this morning, gold and silver are holding strong.   We are in the right place, here.  I loaded almost to the brim yesterday, in AGQ, ANV, SLW, EXK, PAAS, SIL, and AAU, as reported yesterday in The PPT.

Funeral is this morning, so I will try to ring in later today.   Carry on.


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Roller Coaster Days

roller coaster 


It seems Mother Market has decided to “take the piss” as they say in the jolly old UK, on my beleaguered soul today.   She drove the dollar up and the Amex Gold Bugs $HUI Index down to recent sub-optimal climes, while rifling my pockets for spare cigs and change for the jukebox.

I continue to call bullshit on she and her precious dollar, however, despite her mischievous manichean attempts to subdue me.    Because the dollar rolled today, only to see gold and to some extent, silver, remain unchanged.   I believe the reason the move was not taken altogether seriously is the amoung of overhead resistance the dollar will be limping into as early as tomorrow.   Note the base line “hold” (#1) and the three resistance lines (#’s 2, 3 & 4) fast approaching for the buck:

As a result of my decision to flail the dollar with a whipe of intertwined balogna skins today, I began adding more silver and gold miners this afternoon.  I did not add more AGQ, as I’d rather buy that on an uptrend, and escape its inherent volatility in an unsure market.   I did add, SLW, EXK, SSRI on the silver side, and NG, NGD, and AAU on the gold side.   Nothing extravagant,yet, mind you.   I’m  just pacing my way back into the game so I can blow cigar smoke at my nearest opponents’ wives.

SLW gives me comfort here, as far as today’s headfake.  Can you tell me why?

SLW is a must have in the port, ladies and gentlemen.  A must have.

Thanks again for all your kindness today, and I bid you adieu for now.


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Prometheus Unbound

Prometheus Rock Center

And Just the Right Colour (sic), Too!


It certainly feels good to stretch one’s wings once again, especially after a period of soreness and chafing, when the gold and silver markets pulled back in feeble, milquetoast fashion, rendering my hedges dull and feckless, and largely a waste of my time.   Luckily, I exited the remainder of my precious metal hedges today, and for the most part in the plus column (while my short ETF hedges were not), and the whole unpleasantness was avoided save for a more optimum re-entry price on a few select names.

As I previously stated, the dollar and the Amex Gold Bug Index ($HUI) were my guide in re-entering this morning, and the $HUI preceded the dollar in breaking that “roof” at $535 that has been plaguing us for the best part of a week.  I think today’s strong candle — on volume not evident in this chart, but in the individual names — gives we longer term players the assurance we need to be back in for the final ramp into Spring:

Note that upon the strong break this morning, I piled into AGQ with the gusto of a small ravenous narwhale amongst the migratory squid, immediately purchasing my first allocation (about one half of my expected total) without a limit order.  When things are breaking out like this, you always want to make sure you at least wet your beak so that you are not left behind in a tidal surge.   I also put in limit orders at this morning’s gap — and they never came close to being filled all day.   Tomorrow I shall try again for my fills there.

As planned, apres this break,  I also added to my considerable hordes in EXK, SLW, SIL and NGD.   As early as tomorrow I expect something of a pullback, but I will be adding at each opportunity.   Next in line is PAAS, AG, MVG and perhaps even CDE and HL.   I shall be as a fat suckling pig in a candy shoppe.   And no, I will not forget Prometheus’s gold — EGO, ANV and IAG will be added to as well, perhaps with IVN and AAU.

Scratch that, I just looked at the charts.  I will definitely be adding some AAU tomorrow.

Cheerio! Wot?  Your friend, Happy Jake.


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No Doubt in My Mind…

[youtube:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XfuBREMXxts&feature=related 450 300]

Boomer’s First Signed Act! (Check out the Instrumentalism!)


As you well know, I am a believer– in many senses of the word (and the Word, and the weurd ).   But like Mickey Dolenz aimlessly tapping against the rim of a snare drum in an attempt to appear Ringo-weurthy, I am stuck here twiddling my Thaler collection, waiting for the second shoe to drop.

You remember my “I want to Believe” chart from four days back?  Well, it’s still stubbornly refusing to resolve itself, neither breaking down nor breaking out.   It’s enough to make one test the family flame-thrower out on the neighbor’s bird-stalking cat…

My patience is wearing to a thin thread, but I know I won’t have to wait much longer.  The dollar looks to be in its last throes, and will either spit the bit tonight, or take off in one last spasm of orgasmic excess followed by a quick-wilt into mid-February.   Your cue will be the $77.80 line on the DX-Y.  I believe that is our point of no return. 

Should the dollar fail there, I will be loading kegs of AGQ-brand sweet mead onto the back of my ale truck, along with SIL, SLW, and of course, EXK.    I will also have gold brands for you to swill, likely headed by IAG, ANV and EGO.   I never sold much RGLD, but I will likely be adding to that role as well.

For those of you who want something right now ,and cannot otherwise hold your water, I think the Borg cannot resist assimilating this latent bull, and so BWA should be bought here with alacrity.   The same goes for the providers of mining machinery to the mines above, JOYG and TEX.

JOYG to you all.


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Days of Misery and Roses

Angel fights

Today was rough for me,raging metal bull that I am.   Despite all my sell downs, all my hedges, and all my short ETF’s, I was still up 1.3%today.  I could hardly believe my eyes when I looked at the end of the day.   But my pain is the deep distress of opportnuties lost.   I did a quick back of the envelope and realized that, had I had my full compliment on (i.e., the pre-January 2011 allocation), I would have been up some 4+% today.

So all I did all day was fret over the direction of the dollar.  As you are well aware, it continues to melt like a stick of bacon fat in a San Bernadino forest fire.  I keep thinking that the evil Bernanke buck has got to bounce soon, even if just for a little jaunt higher, so I can dispose of these cumbersome hedges and swing back into the market like Tarzan yelling for his elephant brethren. 

Luckily for me, around three o’clock today, I had other distractions to take my mind off the market, like a possible bluebird deal flying in my door from the lovely state of North Carolina, and– oh yeah —  Mrs. Jake calling to inform me she was in an auto accident.  I think this was maybe her (second? third?) intersection collision.  I really am starting to believe she thinks she’s driving a Bradley Fighting Vehicle instead of a well turned out Eddie Bauer Excursion.  Fortunately, this one’s getting a little long in the tooth anyway, and the minor damage she did is reparable.    Things will hold out until her birthday, I figure, and then I can surprise her with an IED-resistant Humvee or something in that “safe for all” category.  I believe my older sons will enjoy swinging the fifty cals back and forth in efficient cover arcs.

To get to it before it gets too late, I think we’re on the cusp, here.   We broke, if ever so slightly, the great bogey barriers of 12k on the Dow and 1,300 on the SPX.  That means we run like salmon for the fish barrell, or we mark a nice rounded top, whereafter we plunge into  deep despair. 

Well,  you at least.

[How could I ever despair, after all, when I’m working on my brand new laptop, with special “soopah secret” fingerprint scanning technology, so I can get into my blog-posting area and The PPT without ever uttering a single “Open Sesame?”   Aye, with only thelightest  swipe of a forefinger?  It’s a James Bond world we live in, I tell you, and I think my index print has been forwarded toErnst Blofeld for use in his underwater lair.]

Today, the whole enterprise of JakeGint Consolidated Commodities lies on the edge of a knife.   Will the dollar bounce, or continue to plummet?  Perhaps our chart from the other night can shed some light.   The following is pretty simple, either the dollar holds this line of defense, or it’s off to the races, at least for the PM hawgs and other such wolverines.  Attend to the trend:

Not dissimilarly, or coincidentally, silver is at the same juncture as the greenback, save opposite for effect.   If it continues to break out here, I will have no choice but to recommit, in large tusked porcine fashion, to all my silver longs once again.   The only thing I’ve bought recently has been SLW, and that was on a buy stop at $29.05.   If nothing else comes to Papa, then Papa may have to go to it.  Here’s your target:


You have your orders… carry on.


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