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On the Prowl for This Commodity


The airlines are rallying/setting up while crude oil got sold hard last week.

However, to update a recent theme, the natural gas ETF has consolidated its recent high buy volume breakout pretty well.

It is still a long idea headed into this week, looking to play UGAZ for leverage. I want to see natty re-take $21.70.



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  1. calberto

    Great chart. Thank you so much for your outstanding service. Also I think a number of factors are going to cause $VRNG to break out big on Monday..(1).Federal Court win against Google on Friday afternoon (the lump sum $ and ongoing % of $$$),(2) a deal on Thursday with a UK company that also promises to produce a steady flow on income, (3) Benzinga naming $VRNG a top under $5 stock for 2014 (notice that news went out after Friday’s market close) and 40% of $VRNG shares are shorted, I purchased a small position on Friday afternoon, but plan to add…any advice from you on when to add would be much appreciated… The Benzinga article: http://www.benzinga.com/trading-ideas/long-ideas/14/01/4189266/benzingas-top-stocks-under-5-for-2014

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  2. JPMorgains

    I like UGAZ…even though Cartman hates it –> http://youtu.be/bdQb0Noj37M

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