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An Interesting Setup for Guys at the Racetrack on Friday


This one goes out to the daytrader’s.

ONVO is obviously a stock which has been on parade of late, and for good reason.

Today, however, we have a gap-up and reversal lower after a prior steep run higher.

The setup is this, for traders sticking around on this Friday afternoon: On the 10-minute timeframe, below, note that ONVO is testing back up to its opening print from this morning, just under $12, which also marked the highs from Thursday (horizontal light blue line). Above here, and day traders can try a long into the bell, while signs of rejection may be worth a Friday afternoon scalp short.

Hold through the weekend? That depends. How lucky are you? A mush?



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  1. heckler

    you still like BWS? Put in a limit, hope I get in

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