Your First Amendment Rights Have Been Abridged by the Government Collectivists


While Americans were watching J-Lo’s ass on American Idol and standing around whining because someone makes more money than they do, Obama and his merry band of collectivists did what seemed to be impossible and shredded American’s First Amendment rights.

And yea, both houses of Congress voted yay for this one. Not too many limited government types hanging around where honorable and courageous men once proudly served.

Let’s review shall we for those educated in the government youth prisons:

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.

Amendment I
Bill of Rights
United States Constitution
Adopted August 21, 1789

Well Obama abridged that bitch.

As SHTF explains:

As Congressional representatives overwhelming approved the  Federal Restricted Buildings and Grounds Improvement Act in February of this year, few Americans were paying attention. When President Obama signed the Act into law, he did so in secret… This is one of those laws the government doesn’t want you to know exists until it’s too late to do anything about it.

For many, awareness of the existence of the new law will only become apparent when they are arrested and charged under new Federal trespassing guidelines as they attempt to protest, display signs or disrupt any person or event of national significance. An event of national significance is any activity where Secret Service agents are responsible for security. With several thousand agents in the field at any given time, events involving the President, Congressional members, staff or individuals running for Federal office are all fair game.

Simply standing with a bullhorn, holding up a sign, promoting  a contentious message or even being on the grounds of a Secret Service secured event will now make it possible for the government to detain, arrest and charge those involved in these “disruptions” (even if you just happen to be passing through) with a felonious criminal act.

Re-read the First Amendment again. I imagine that someone is going to be arrested for violating this unconstitutional law. The Supremes will no doubt hear this one.

Are you just a little bit tired of our lawless government yet?

Judge Nap from FoxNews via SHTF explains how Obama makes speech a felony:

This is not like a traffic ticket – for standing and protesting.

The type of thing that for 230 years Americans took for granted because it was protected by the First Amendment. Congress shall make no law abridging the freedom of speech has actually been abridged…

[The law] basically allows Secret Service agents to decide where there are ‘NO Free Speech Zones’, not ‘Free Speech Zones’… ‘NO Free Speech Zones.’

Anybody protected by the Secret Service can ask those agents to ban protests wherever they are. I can think of three violations – speech violations, association violations, and the right to petition the government for redress of your grievances.

What good is free speech if the people in the government are so far away from you that they can’t hear you…

It is a part of American history since day one that we have the right to speak freely to, about and against those in the government.

We are losing our country. Or gaining a Marxist dictatorship. Whichever side you happen to favor.

One Response to “Your First Amendment Rights Have Been Abridged by the Government Collectivists”

  1. Keep up the good work!

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