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Today Doesn’t Matter Because I’m Up Another 1.5%

The typical Monday open has led way to the equally typical Monday reversal back to even. Short sellers look stupid, and behind their jaunting comments, are terrified.

Meanwhile, I’m up another 1.5% today, led by HCLP pressing towards $70 a share, and CCJ making a comeback.

My biggest loser today is BTU, which is almost down to $15. I’ll consider adding near $14, if it gets there.

Global events and political developments tend to be the dumbest reasons on Earth to trade around. It’s fun to speculate what idiot decided to ice a jetliner without any due diligence. Or how long before Gaza taps out. Or what would happen if political winds changed in this country and banned all forms of energy or interstate travel.

It’s fun, but it isn’t profitable.

So don’t waste your time on this nonsense, unless you’re bored at work, looking for an excuse to neglect your clients.

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Checking In – Year To Date +16%

I haven’t checked in much recently, and for good reason. You, dear reader, probably check out of life enough without having an excuse to. There’s a big bright world outside, and you are missing it, neglecting your children in favor of reading a blog on the internet, run by a man you have never met.

Today, the weather is crappy (in my neck of the woods, anyway), so I will take a minute to scrawl out some thoughts. But really, go outside already.

When you are lying on your death bed, you are not going to regret never getting to read another stock picking article. If you are a normal man, you will probably regret not staring at clouds more often. Or gazing at the stars. Or feeling the warm breeze on your skin, standing by the water.

You may check in once per day to read my work. You have my permission. But other than that, get your ass outside. You’re not getting any younger, buddy.

Writing has been scant here because I have been following my own advise. Despite this neglect, my person is doing just fine. Year to date, my gains are just now over 16%. CCJ has pushed back above $20, and if it can recover to $23, I’ll be sitting inside 20% shortly.

Almost all my positions are higher. HCLP and BAS seem to be breathing, but that’s alright. Everything is holding up well.

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Bought Back More HCLP for $59.39

Over the past week or so, I raised cash to 25%. This was good fortune, as HCLP, my mantelpiece position, has dropped 8% since I let up.

Today, I repurchased half of those shares, which I sold at $64.19 each, for $59.39.

It seems like good enough of a bet to me. HCLP is growing so fast… it’s trading at just over 17x Q3 2014 earnings estimates. I have no good way to guess what HCLP’s earning’s potential is over time; but 17x doesn’t seem unreasonable, particularly with a steady announcement of 5 year supply agreements being announced and 200% revenue growth last year. When you’ve managed to get in on the ground floor of such a high flying position, it just makes sense to hold long a core stake, and ride the waves.

This 8% drop is just another opportunity to make extra money, until such time as that logic is challenged. For the moment, HCLP just managed to touch its 20 day moving average for the first time since early June.

Next earnings announcement is in August. So tell me, who wants to stand in the way of this thing?

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Sold UEC, SLW, Partial Sales of CCJ, HCLP

This morning:

I completely sold out of UEC (5% cash raise).

I completely sold out of SLW for +5% (11% cash raise)

I then sold down CCJ and HCLP (my two remaining largest positions) until my cash position was 25%.

HCLP remains my largest and most successful position this year, +170% since I bought it last August. CCJ is an idea I remain committed to, but it’s gone nowhere and I need some cash.

UEC is small, speculative, and just asking for a beat down.

SLW was a quick trade, not an investment.

It’s time to start letting off the gas. Because, let me ask you: isn’t this getting a little out of hand?

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Up Another 1% Again Today

HCLP just blew through $60, as analysts raise targets in response to the HAL announcement.

BAS is back above $27. I guess I could have held onto all of those shares, but I have no regrets. Retaining a 15% position in BAS is more than reasonable.

SLW is pushing its way to $26.

My only position that is down noticeably today is UEC. And that remains my smallest position at 5% of assets.

Fracking investments remain the place to be. Oil names are doing well by extension (and a high price per barrel). I’m telling you, coal will be the next thing to run.

Have a wonderful afternoon.

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Made Another Round Of Purchases Of ETP

I redeployed some cash from yesterday’s sale of BAS, bidding up ETP for $57.64.

They announced today that they’re building a new pipeline connecting the Bakken oil reserves being built out in North Dakota to Illinois. More importantly, they announced they already have commitments from shippers in the form of long term agreements.

I like this partnership a lot. It pays almost 7% in distributions to unit holders annually, and their operation has a lot going for it.

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