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Fun With Twisters

Excuse the lapse of writing, particularly during such an eventful day as yesterday. A family member realized some damage to their house from the wind storms that struck Wednesday; missing shingles, broken trees, some little things like that…and I said I’d help them out.

Today, I’m rather tired and, since I forgot to apply sunscreen, baked like a manicotti.

My outlook on equities remains cautionary. I have a large cash position and ample shorts with SCO and EUO that give me, I feel, a 50/50 cash/invested stance. My longs are AEC, CLP, CCJ, BAS, RGR and silver.

AEC was hammered yesterday, one of the top losers in the market. They announced another secondary, which they’re using to get their debt lower. AEC executives I believe are very concerned about the ability of interest rates to hold. They have been for over a year now. And not just for interest rates from treasury yields, but also there have been subtle drops of fear about what would happen if a push to reform Freddie and Fannie upended the new loan origination process. So possibly expect more dilution. But, earnings are set to improve from the move, FFO remains strong, and as long as they keep pushing the business towards expanding operations (California is their big push at the moment), I will be willing to stomach some stock sales.

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Trash Rockets And Churn Hurting My Morale

I am becoming increasingly cautious as this rally is now sustained on the backs of defunct maritime shippers, the airline industry, and pharmaceuticals. Most of this trash would never be permitted to find its way into my holdings.

As summer sets in, the theme will settle on a single discord: disappointment.

The other day, I had a family gathering about 100 miles away. Along the trip, I counted almost 300 acres of land for sale at “NEW LOWER PRICES”. This is what I saw along my way; I didn’t go out looking.

There is a shadow inventory overhanging this market, and the chord that is holding it up is made of the ability of an aging Baby Boomer generation to tolerate pain and discomfort – two things which that group of whining malcontents has never been particularly prone to enduring.

And Europe continues to circle the drain in a slow bleed. You can stop looking for the inflection point, where suddenly everything starts to become increasingly easier and growth picks up. Thanks to binging on positive carry trades for two decades the system has been made recalcitrant and calcified. The arteries are hardened and strain for blood flow.

Thanks to my maneuvers in the Fall, I’m up 21% since November. Yet, more than half of this is contained in just two positions forcing higher by large margins – CCJ and BAS. It could all vanish in a hurry.

This is why I pushed to raise 30% cash recently, although my exposure to CCJ and BAS remains extreme. I have faith in these two positions; they will continue to benefit and outperform remarkably over the next few years. But the swings will be gut churning and disruptive.

Factoring in EUO, my net artificial cash position is closer to 40%. If we crater, EUO is going to spike (more than it has been). I’m also treating BXG like a cash position, as there is an all cash offer (even though I’m hoping/expecting the deal to fall through). That puts me at ~45% cash.

I’m almost ready for the fireworks to get started.

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