Stock advice in actual English.
Joined Sep 2, 2009
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Be You Not Content With Chance, But Have An Out

The ride into work was scattered with rain and the sky line was covered with the murky grey of clouds pushing seamlessly against Old Eurus’ resting brow. But the cool shade provided was a welcome relief to the blazing heat of July.

Upon entering my place of work, I quickly made a cup of English Breakfast tea; letting the aged Camellia work over my tongue in conjunction with the scattered flavor of sugar. All the while, my fingers and eyes danced over the numbers spread out before me.

But on this break, I glanced up to read the market, and what I see is much a confirmation of what I already knew.

China continues to slow as the forgotten cable tow in Europe’s hand is pulled on; trying to right herself at the expense of China’s neck.

Industrial production is dwindling. The economy is buckling. We should be lower, but we’ll run higher anyway.

It’s the same game. Almost boring, if so much weren’t riding on the line…

But as such, one must be patient. One must be light on ones feet; spry, if you will, with the knees of an eight year old. And ready to move in a hurry.

Make no bets against this mark. And do not embrace her either. Let her do what she will, and know that, apart from a thin filtering of securities, most are a bad investment.

The world’s most luxurious mansion, when placed on a fault, is still an awful house.

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  1. Sur Platonic Plateau Du Tecnocrats, B.R.A., D.J.D. upon Rookness.
    Sur Platonic Plateau Du Tecnocrats, B.R.A., D.J.D. upon Rookness.

    $FAZ and $VIX are looking mighty appropriate.

    Alerts… .

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  2. MX2101

    Thoughtful analysis…and superb writing, Mr. Thaler

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