Stock advice in actual English.
Joined Sep 2, 2009
1,224 Blog Posts

Shop Amazon

This is exactly how California should be dealt with, on a regular basis. I’ve been searching the Amazon website all morning, looking for meaningless knick knacks I can buy at 20% mark ups, just to show my appreciation of the company for electing to sock those bastards square in the teeth.

I shorted UCO this morning, accenting my short of ERX. As sure as I am breathing, oil and gas trade lower. It is only a matter of time.

My home computer is dying a slow death, and until I take the time to address the issue or replace it, my ability to post graphs and pictures is in check. Usually, this would not be an issue. However, the only real good way to explain why housing prices will continue downward for some time more is to show you.

I will be assembling the images from work; they and the associated paper will be available tonight at the earliest.

Now, adieu friends.

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