The Tragic Prosciutto Comedy


Thanks Italy, you ingrates, for throwing olive oil on the VIX fire. I’m not talking about Italian Americans, so don’t get your salsiccias all twisted. I’m talking about those idiots on the old continent. Have they not learned from the fall of Rome, or World War II? Must the tribes of the North once again come down and secure the civilized barbarians, so that world order may once again be restored? I don’t know what scares me more, the impending collapse of the western fractional reserve banking system, or the fact that the Russians are talking about nuclear war again.

Apparently they don’t like Barry and George’s meddling in other countries. I guess because Iraq, Afghanistan, and possibly Syria are too close to home for them. You can see the video for yourself here. I don’t understand how that is even an option? It would literally be the annihilation of the human race. I don’t know about you but I have a whole lot of stuff I still need/want to accomplish, so let’s forgo that kind of talk, okay? It just seems like we keeping moving in the wrong directions, all the stupid gun control and entitlements that make people weak and lazy, meanwhile North Korea, who would love to wipe us off the planet, is working on a nuclear device and delivery system. It sickens me that man is capable of such destruction, and scares the living hell out of me.

I guess that is my problem though, I always look too far into things. I believe it’s a side effect of combat, always hope for the best, but expect the worse. This is another area of my life I am trying to change the outlook on, but it’s hard, especially when your life revolves around information gathering. A bomb in itself is the state of the world financial system. The most shocking part, is that people in countries like Italy, actually don’t want to do what it takes to fix the problem they created. No one cares about Rome anymore, there’s no gladiators there, only weaklings that live with their mothers until they are in their 30’s, look here.

These people are voting in elections that have an effect on the world economy, and that’s sad. Of course it is their right to vote, but they can’t even find a way to leave their moms’ houses. I am done bashing the Italians, you get the point. I am merely sick of lazy, entitled, people. It’s time for me to go to bed, Japan is getting slapped, the rest of Asia is moderately up, and US futures are down just slightly. Ciao!

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