What the hell is the matter with this guy? It’s obvious he once was a prolific problem solver. I’m baffled at how the minute he enters the political spotlight, he becomes stupefied, devoid of any semblance of common sense. Mitt, it’s the 4th quarter, there are two minutes left, you’re down two touchdowns. Quit running fullback dives. Start throwing the ball down field. Start solving problems like you have the last forty years: fire people.

Make the second bold move of this campaign and ditch your jackass of strategist Stu Stevens. You lost with him in 2008 and are assuming the position in 2012. Your campaign offers ZERO (Obama flavored) intensity or creativity. The other guy’s campaign is based on “it could have been worse,” and he’s still creating separation in the polls. This must be what Democrats felt in 2004 when they nominated the Blue Romney.

For some reason, the RNC played host to Clint Eastwood and a chair.

Obama gifts you the “you didn’t build that” softball, but instead, Stu and Co. have you at bullshit donor dinners gabbing that “the 47% didn’t build that.” You then counter with a video about Obama’s proclivity for redistribution from the last millennium. Fucking pathetic. Deleterious minutiae.

This is what Romney–like all politicians–has learned to do well: waste our time.

Our country is in a lull, starving for a boost in morale–it’s MOTHERFUCKING HALFTIME IN AMERICA, fergodsakes. (Hilarious that car companies are more in tune with the country’s pulse than the guys in charge of a presidential campaign.) Give them their halftime speech. Tell them what QE3 means for them. Explain how their gas prices and groceries will cost more, that this was borne out of the “Big O’s” failure to lead.

Then go talk to what’s left of the Rick Perry campaign, get them to sign over the rights to this video and slap your name on it. This is what a game-changing campaign ad looks like:



6 Responses to “ROMNEY THE ROBOT”

  1. pedro,believe it or not,i emailed his strategist at his website on or about the time the ibd did an editorial piece on the 0zer0 knocked it down,thus the jobs that would have been created,were not.and how the chinese are going to take it upon themselves and build the pipeline going west to the pacific coast of canada……. so,youd think that with just that as a talking point against the opposition could have driven a nail in 0’s coffin……..or the fact that we are eating fucking cake,while moochelle 0zer0 has spent 14 million plus just on vacations for herself and family, while the working class is in taters? fuck you i say. this dude doesnt know how to fight……period ! 0zer0, his daughter,the oldest,took 12 of her friends,28 secret service agents, and 2 fucking jets to go to mexico on spring break this year on our dime. if i were romney, i would wipe 0zer0’s ass all over fucking chicago with just how much of a cheap fucking pos chicago crook that he is,and put it all over the media. he needs to get his nails dirty on this guy,4 more years with this fucker,and you will all get what the fuck you deserve………mark my words !!!!!!!!!

  2. Great post, Pedro.

    You’ve got a great writing style and make intelligent arguments — iBC could do with more gentlemen like yourself.

  3. The Rombot is doing exactly what he must. Tread carefully. The new age of left wing media 0 dicksucking makes all elections lightning fast. The 0 is blowing the fuck up with all but his zombies the last few weeks. The debates are the start line. From there the man must go for the kill.

    • The polls are even. Come next month the left will not only admit it but go full retard against Rombot. They must convince ALL vagrants to vote. The buses must be filled. No way the 0 is ahead bullshit lasts.

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